
New IAS PLUS resource page

27 March 2020

Global responses to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak continue to rapidly evolve. COVID-19 has already had a significant impact on global financial markets, and it may have accounting implications for many entities.

As the pandemic increases in both magnitude and duration, entities are experiencing conditions often associated with a general economic downturn. This includes, but is not limited to, financial market volatility and erosion, deteriorating credit, liquidity concerns, further increases in government intervention, increasing unemployment, broad declines in consumer discretionary spending, increasing inventory levels, reductions in production because of decreased demand, layoffs and furloughs, and other restructuring activities. The continuation of these circumstances could result in an even broader economic downturn which could have a prolonged negative impact on an entity’s financial results.

We have set up an IAS Plus resource page on accounting considerations related to COVID-19. This page includes news items and resources in connection with COVID-19 developments that highlight some of the key accounting and disclosure issues to be considered by entities that may arise as a result of COVID-19 in preparing financial statements applying IFRS Standards.

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