
Financial Crime Risk and Compliance Management

Deloitte is a recognised global leader in helping organisations deal with a myriad business and compliance issues. Ranked #1 by Kennedy in Global Forensic and Dispute Advisory Services, our goal is to help organisations focus efforts to mitigate and address the risks associated with financial crime and strengthen compliance programmes.

Issues such as fraud, bribery and corruption, misconduct, money laundering, tax evasion, sanctions violations are all risks that have the potential to cause financial and reputational damage to organisations. With a labyrinth of rules and regulations that constantly shift, channels and business relationships are also in constant flux. The slightest change can have a dramatic impact. Often, the sea change causes gaps in compliance that can expose organisations to significant financial, reputation damage, and in some cases even criminal penalties.

Deloitte Beacon, our cloud-based financial crime risk and compliance solution acquires critical information to address gaps between principles and practice in an organisation’s compliance programme. From compliance risks ratings to controls effectiveness, and other key performance indicators, Deloitte Beacon enables organisations to have an aerial view of their threats and risks while operating in a global market place.

Deloitte Beacon
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