
Exclusive Invitation to FSI Regulatory Talk Series

Session 14: Client Luncheon – Banking Regulatory Outlook 2020

Friday, 15 November 2019 l 11.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m.

Ten years after the financial crisis, the long shadow it has cast has started to fade. After various prudential reforms, attention is now more acutely focused on culture and governance, the challenges of new technology, and emerging economic, market and non-financial risks. Firms need to be prepared to respond to this shifting focus and the new demands that it will place on them.

This session is catered exclusively for bank Directors and Senior Management to understand the global and regional regulatory landscapes, focusing on the following themes:

  1. Implementing the post-crisis agenda
    • Enhanced Prudential Standards
    • Basel Implementation
    • Interest Rate Benchmark – Beyond “IBOR”
  2. Managing Risks and Behaviour
    • Conduct, Culture and Governance
    • Managing Fraud Risk
  3. Other Emerging Trends
    • Structural Reform


Event details

Date Friday, 15 November 2019
Time 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Venue Grand Residence 101, Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur

Here’s what you can expect at the upcoming session:



Time Event
9.00 a.m. - 9.30 a.m. Registration 
9.30 a.m. - 9.45 a.m. Welcome remarks
9.45 a.m. - 10.15 a.m. Introduction to Data Governance Framework, Model and Process
by Justin Ong
10.15 a.m. - 10.30 a.m. Break
10.30 a.m. - 11.45 a.m. BCBS 239 Governance Solutioning: Informatica Axon
by Anand Ramamoorthy
11.45 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. Q&A session
12..00 p.m. - 12.30 p.m. Networking session


Edward Hida
Partner, Risk and Financial Advisory in the United States

Edward is the Global Leader of Financial Risk community of practice and Partner in Deloitte Risk and Financial Advisory. He has over 30 years of experience and serves some of our largest clients in various financial services sectors including banking, insurance, securities and asset management.

Edward has substantial experience consulting and providing commentary and views on a variety of governance, risk management, regulatory and related issues. These include enterprise risk management, economic and regulatory capital, stress testing including CCAR, credit risk management, market risk, systemic risk, model validation, trading and risk management systems, operational risk, treasury and investment operations and internal control and risk management infrastructure including risk data aggregation.


Vishal Vedi
Partner, Risk Advisory in North West Europe

Vishal is the Global Leader of Financial Risk and has over 20 years of experience in the financial services sector. He has in-depth experience of dealing with complex risk, regulatory and governance issues and has assisted a number of clients with designing and developing their business, booking model and legal entity structures.

Leading a number of Brexit related engagements since the UK referendum. These encompass client and business impact, business model analysis, structural, business and operating model design, location analysis and regulatory support.

Rita Gatt
Partner, Risk Analytics in Australia

Rita is the Australian partner lead of Financial Risk services and is passionate about building the financial risk capabilities and strategy of her clients as well as enhancing their use of data to drive risk insight and action. She is an experienced strategic advisor and qualified statistician specialising in risk analytics and financial risk.

She has over 15 years of experience working predominantly in risk in the areas of modelling, analysis, process optimisation, financial risk and financial crime across various industries including financial services, health services and the energy sector.

For more information or for any further enquiries regarding the event, kindly contact:

Name Email address Contact no.
Bonnie Lee Kung +603 7610 7205


The organiser reserves the right to cancel and/or make changes to the programme, venue, speaker(s)/ facilitator(s) and/or topic(s) if warranted by circumstances beyond its control.