
2018/2019 Regulatory Landscape of the Malaysian Banking Industry

Our views on emerging risks and trends

The publication has been put together in response to the Bank Negara Malaysia 2018 Financial Stability and Payment Systems Report.

Deloitte's very first edition of the “2018/2019 Regulatory Landscape of the Malaysian Banking Industry”, is a compilation of Deloitte's views on the emerging risks and trends that financial institutions are facing today.

While the 2019 regulatory environment appears more settled, regulators continue to set high expectations aimed at maintaining a strong, resilient financial sector with firms having robust financial and operational resilience, supported by strong risk management and compliance capabilities. The shifts in Malaysia’s economic priorities and structure will no doubt present a new set of challenges for the financial industry, and banks have to be ever-ready to respond to them.

Topics covered in the publication:

  • Implementing the post-crisis agenda:
    01. The next wave of Basel III
    02. Allowing Fis to fail safely with RRP
    03. The end of LIBOR is nearing
  • Culture and conduct:
    04. Generating sustainable value through Shariah compliance
    05. Managing market conduct risk through addressing drivers and restoring trust
    06. Raising the bar in combating ML/TF
  • Harnessing and managing innovation:
    07. Keeping pace with the technology risk landscape
    08. Evolution of money service, payment and settlement systems

Download this publication to gain more insights to prepare for the upcoming regulatory developments.

2018/2019 Regulatory Landscape of the Malaysian Banking Industry
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