
3. Good health and well being

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages  

SDG 3. Good health and well being

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages


3.1 Reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100,000 live births
3.2 End preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age
3.3 End the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases
3.4 Reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being
3.5 Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse
3.6 Halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents
3.7 Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive healthcare services
3.8 Achieve universal health coverage, including access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines
3.9 Reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination

Key insights

  • The incidence rates of tuberculosis in Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, and the Philippines are among the highest in the world (between 345 and 554 per 100,000 population).1
  • Roughly 1 in 4 premature deaths in Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and the Philippines, and 1 in 5 premature deaths in Cambodia and Malaysia can be attributed to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, or chronic respiratory disease.1

Business actions**

  1. Ensure the best possible health outcomes for employees and surrounding communities across company and supply chain operations
  2. Research, develop, and deploy products, services, and business models for improved health outcomes
  3. Lead on multi-stakeholder initiatives that encourage healthy behaviours and improve access to healthcare


  • A Swiss pharmaceutical firm has developed a business model aimed at increasing access of rural communities in India, Kenya, and Vietnam to health information, diagnostics, and products. By training and cooperating with doctors in community health centres and government entities, the firm is addressing priority healthcare-related needs in each country and simultaneously increasing its market penetration.2

Thought Leadership

The ROI in workplace mental health programs: Good for people, good for business

Find out why a mentally healthy workplace matters and how this investment has paid off for companies.

2019 Global health care outlook

Find out about the outlook of the global healthcare market and how personalised devices can change the way modern healthcare works.

Cognitive health care in 2027

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Intelligent drug discovery

Find out how AI technologies will affect the biopharma value chain and accelerate the efficiency of drug discovery.

The future of aging

Find out about the future of healthcare and investigate how the future of health will change how people work, age and retire.

* All targets for SDG 1 to 17 have been derived from the United Nations Statistics Division (2018), from:
** All business actions for SDG 1 to 17 have been derived from the United Nations Global Compact (2017), from:
1 Asian Development Bank (2018), from:
2 Novartis (2017), from:

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