Posted: 07 Nov. 2022 1 min. read

About Center for the Edge

Deloitte Center for the Edge partners with senior executives to make sense of and profit from emerging opportunities on the edge of business and technology. We help leaders understand the fundamental changes shaping the world, navigate the short-term challenges and identify long-term opportunities.

Center for the Edge is anchored in Silicon Valley with teams in Australia, Europe and Asia. We conduct original research and develop substantive points of view, organize exclusive sessions, and leverage an ecosystem of partners for new corporate growth.

With our knowledge and connections we help company leaders make sense of emerging opportunities and implement them into their business context. We have our own unique methods of bringing original perspectives, an expert network and engagement to our clients.

We believe that Europe and most of its companies have much more innovation and growth potential than currently used. With Center for the Edge in Europe, we aim to unlock the full potential.  

We are here to accelerate your impact.

What we do

Edge Dialogs

Our dialogs aim to unlock Europe’s innovation potential. We create a space to share dilemmas, reflections and inspire each other - so we can make an impact together.

We all face significant opportunities and fundamental challenges, stemming from exponential technologies, new disruptive business models, globalization, climate change and changing demographics.

The competitiveness of European companies and institutions will largely depend on the ability to shape and adjust to this new reality. The burden to adapt and deliver change rests heavily on the shoulders of top executives.

We engage top executives in a dialogue to share learnings, dilemmas, and best practices in a high end and intimate CEO peer learning setting.

Edge Insights

Our mission is to identify emerging business opportunities that should be on the agenda of CEO’s, but are not, and do the research to persuade them to put them on their agenda. 

Our work on organizational transformation and ecosystem innovation across multiple domains, including energy, mobility, health, food and finance.

The latest Center for the Edge research initiative is a Ph.D project at the edge of leadership and strategy, on systems leadership and ecosystem transformation. As we are moving from the industrial age to the contextual age, we want to learn from systems and platform leaders around the world.

The mentors for the research are our co-founders John Hagel III and John Seely Brown. Together, they have co-authored a series of best-selling books, including Net Gain, Net Worth, Out of the Box, The Only Sustainable Edge, and the Power of Pull. Hagel recently published “The Journey Beyond Fear” and is widely published and quoted in major business publications like The Economist, Fortune, Forbes, Business Week, Financial Times and Wall Street Journal. John Seely Brown has published over 100 papers in scientific journals and serves on numerous private and public boards of directors, including Amazon.

Edge Research

How do you lead systems within and outside your organization? The latest Center for the Edge research initiative is a Ph.D project at the edge of leadership and strategy. As we are moving from the industrial age to the contextual age, we want to learn from systems and platform leaders around the world.

Learn more

Get in touch

Daniel Sunde-Hansen

Daniel Sunde-Hansen

Director | Center for the Edge Lead, Norway

Daniel Sunde-Hansen leder Center for the Edge i Norge. Tankesmien utforsker mulighetene som oppstår i randsonen av ny teknologi, nye forretningsmodeller og nye organisasjonsformer. Sammen med vårt globale nettverk hjelper Center for the Edge ledere forstå og nyttiggjøre disse mulighetene.  Center for the Edge ble grunnlagt i Silicon Valley av John Hagel og John Seely Brown i 2007, med europeisk hovedkontor i Amsterdam.   Daniel kombinerer Center for the Edge-rollen med doktorgrad på BI, i skjæringspunktet mellom strategi og ledelse, som bringer forskningen fra Center for the Edge inn i en norsk kontekst.  Daniel gikk fra rollen som leder for innovasjon for Deloitte Norge, der han drev frem ulike nyskapende initiativer i Norge. Han støttet også innovasjonsstrategien i Norden, og jobbet for Deloitte Nederland med ansvaret for å skalere Center for the Edge til Norden.  Ledelse av innovasjon i store organisasjoner var tema for Daniels mastergrad, samt bachelorgrad. Sistnevnte ble kombinert med en treårig KaosPilot-utdannelse, en nyskapende skole som fusjonerte design, sosialt entreprenørskap og forretningsutvikling.