Webinar: Global Business Services (GBS) challenges and opportunities in the current times


Webinar: Global Business Services (GBS) challenges and opportunities in the current times

Ghost of a chance for stabilisation or rather an unprecedented opportunity to thrive for GBS organisations

Online webinar: 21 January 2021 (11:00 - 12:30 EET)

We are all facing a new reality where long-held and conventional wisdom has been challenged, requiring many changes - many of which may have led to better performance. Please join us for the GBS webinar to deep-dive into the challenges of the current business environment and to find out how the changes in the market affect GBS organisations in particular.

The global and multinational organisations are running their cost optimisation agendas and the centralisation of services becomes an optimum option to deliver the strategic and operational objectives. The post-COVID-19 pandemic world looks unclear, but for GBS and shared services organizations, one thing is clear: long-held and conventional wisdom has been challenged, requiring many changes - many of which may have led to better performance. The new GBS and shared services normal will likely include operational practices that were previously thought to be impossible.

The remote model of work tested in the COVID-19 situation has proven that most services can be delivered from any location and the quality of work does not suffer if the captive organisation adopts a more agile way of working. The accelerated pace of change, adoption of digital tools and the mindset shift allow shared service organisations to shine and deliver the highest quality of services for the headquarters and the more efficient, standardised manner supporting the centrally driven cost optimisation agendas.

Our webinar will cover - in particular - these three topics:

  1. Business Services moving up the value chain
  2. Shift to remote transition 
  3. Workforce transformation

Some of the questions we will address during this 90 minute session:

  • Would you agree that shared services and outsourcing are mainly for back-office operations?
  • What are the benefits of setting up a captive centre over partnering with an outsourcing service provider?
  • How can a virtual transition be as effective as traditional knowledge transfer? 
  • What are the key factors that enable remote transitions? 
  • What is the Future of Work?
  • What are the essential skills of the future?

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Webinar recording registration

21 January 2021
11:00 - 12:30 EET

Andra Popa

Register here


For more information regarding this event, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Andra Popa - Senior Marketing Coordinator

Mobile: +40 731 792 039

E-mail: anpopa@deloittece.com

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