Background Checks: Protect your business by getting a full picture before you make a decision


Background Checks: Protect your business by getting a full picture before you make a decision

April 4, 2023 | 10:00 - 11:00

From professional background history to culture fit, we all know that there are a lot of boxes to be checked during the recruitment process, in order to find the right job candidate for a certain role. One of the most important steps of the screening process is the pre-employment background check.

When you are selecting your business partner, a target company to acquire or a vendor, your risk is to be associated with the third parties’ reputation. A background check can sustain the reputation, stability and trust of your business.

Join this interactive webinar to hear from a panel of subject matter experts to find out how background checks can protect your business.

Background Checks: Protect your business by getting a full picture before you make a decision


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This webinar explores:

  • The difference between a pre-employment screening and a background check;
  • Benefits and importance of conducting background checks;
  • How long does it take to perform a background check;
  • Frequency of performing background checks;
  • Legislation that applies to conducting background checks;
  • Risks of not having a background check process in place;
  • Who can perform a background check.

Corporate Intelligence & Due Diligence

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Alina Badea

Senior Associate, Financial Advisory, Forensic, Deloitte

Alina started her career at Deloitte in January 2023 and is currently a Senior Associate within the Forensic practice of Deloitte Romania. With four years of experience in the due diligence field, she conducted and coordinated multi-lingual international public records research for a wide range of corporate and financial clients. Before joining Deloitte, she has worked extensively on enhanced due diligence and background screening projects with a major focus on the Africa and Europe regions, as well as on pre-IPO due diligence with a focus on the Northern America region.

Alexandra Nisipeanu

Senior Associate, Financial Advisory, Forensic, Deloitte

Alexandra is a Senior Associate within the Forensic practice of Deloitte Romania, and is based in the Bucharest office.
Since joining Deloitte, Alexandra delivered forensic services to various local and international clients and specialises in corporate intelligence and due dilligence services, as well as data collection and review.
Alexandra was awarded a first class honours Bachelor of Science degree in Forensic Investigations, in the United Kingdom.

Denisa Simion

Manager Financial Advisory - Forensic

Denisa is a manager within the Deloitte Financial Advisory – Forensic Department being a subject matter expert with over 10 years of experience in the prevention and investigation of frauds and white collar crimes, corporate misconduct and international operations both in law enforcement and consultancy. With extensive experience in international operations, Denisa holds a solid experience in law enforcement investigations and operations, international cooperation and relations with a particular focus in preventing and fighting financial crimes.

Alexandru Nae

Assistant Director, Financial Advisory, Forensic, Deloitte

Alex is managing the Forensic Services Centre from Romania, supporting local and international clients with Whistleblowing Solutions, Corporate Intelligence and Forensic Due Diligence Services.

With eight years of experience in the forensic filed, Alexandru is a Manager in the Forensic Department, he has hands-on experience in Fraud Investigation, Internal audit, Fraud Risk Assessment, Compliance reviews, Due Diligence, Operational Risk reviews, IT Audit, eDiscovery, Corporate Intelligence services and General Data Protection Regulation.

Participation in this webinar is free of charge and by registration only. Please note that the webinar will be held in English.


Andra Popa

Andra Popa

Senior Marketing Coordinator

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