Fast-changing markets: the challenges of modern pricing in retail and e-commerce


Fast-changing markets: the challenges of modern pricing in retail and e-commerce

Live webinar: 25 October 2022, 15:00 - 16:00 EEST

The trend of rising inflation is forcing consumers to gradually switch to lower-price products or postpone the purchase of more expensive goods. New regulations force retailers to better protect their costumers' rights including the way of advertising of promotions. Many companies try to regain their profits with adoption of advanced technologies and turning their attention to overlooked aspects of their business. Pricing, as the frequently overlooked "P", is thus becoming a tool for maintaining sales and improving customer loyalty.

Join our webcast to find out what current trends and challenges related to retail pricing are driving the business world! How to achieve margin improvement during a crisis? How to proceed with pricing strategies? How can machine learning be used to optimise pricing and what specifically to look out for when implementing such solutions? How is regulation reflected in modern pricing methods and what are the pitfalls of, for example, the Omnibus Directive? These and other questions related to pricing will be answered by our tech, business and legal experts.

This event is part of Retail and E-commerce webinar series.

Fast-changing markets: the challenges of modern pricing in retail and e-commerce

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  • Macroeconomic outlook
  • Business implications
  • AI in Pricing
  • Omnibus Regulation
  • Pricing strategies in retail and e-commerce


  • Václav Franče - Economist, Deloitte Czech Republic
  • Stefan Ivič - AI&Data Lead for Deloitte Central Europe
  • Pavel Milička - AI Specialist Lead, Deloitte Czech Republic
  • Wojciech Janik - Manager in Tax&Legal, Deloitte Poland


  • Václav Plevka - Manager in AI&Data, Pricing Expert, Deloitte Czech Republic


Andra Popa

Andra Popa

Senior Marketing Coordinator

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