Deloitte Webinar Series


Focus for Success

Deloitte Webinar Series 

Being in focus is a real challenge, especially in these unstable times, but we are here to show you how to be fully present, aware of where you are and what you are doing in order to succeed in business, or in any other aspects of your life.

Deloitte Practice invites you for a webinar of mindfulness where we want to share with you some tips and tricks about staying in focus and being connected to your mind and body in order to pursue everything at a high level of concentration.

The discussion will be focused on 4 main topics:

  • Knowledge about the human mind;
  • One exercise to evaluate the capacity of mental control;
  • Knowledge about mental focus;
  • One exercise to increase focus and mental control capacity

If you want to learn more about how to stay I focus and mental control, join Focus for Success webinar on Thursday 11th February, at 5PM.