Whistleblowing compliance in brief – To whom it applies the new Romanian Whistleblowing Law 361/2022?


Whistleblowing compliance in brief – To whom it applies the new Romanian Whistleblowing Law 361/2022?

March 28, 2023 | 15:00 - 16:00

On December 16th, the Law no. 361/2022 on the protection of whistleblowers in the public interest was promulgated by the President of Romania. This is an important step in the process of transposing into national legislation the EU Whistleblower Directive (EU) 2019/1937 which aims to provide minimum standards of protection across the EU to whistleblowers who raise breaches of EU law with their employer.

In this context, we are pleased to invite you to our forward-looking whistleblowing webinar which will highlight the best practices and tips to pave the road to effective implementation within your organization as the 361/2022 Romanian whistleblowing laws got into force and sets mandatory compliance rules for companies that have above 250 employees.

Join this interactive webinar to hear from a panel of subject matter experts to find out the steps that your organization should be taking now to comply with the new legislative requirements and to ensure a safe and secure work environment.

Whistleblowing compliance in brief – To whom it applies the new Romanian Whistleblowing Law 361/2022?


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This webinar explores:

  • What you need to know about the EU Whistleblowing Directive and Romanian Whistleblowing Law – 361/2022;
  • How to ensure compliance;
  • Whistleblowing best practices;
  • The legal requirements relating to anonymous reporting;
  • Why whistleblowing is vitally important for your organization.


Kenan Burçin Atakan

Partner Financial Advisory - Forensic

Burcin is a Partner within Deloitte Financial Advisory – Forensic Department. Burcin has been in Romania since 2011 and led the developed the Investigation & Dispute practice in Balkan region including Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and South European Countries. His experience includes hundreds of engagements (i.e., fraud investigation, forensic due diligences etc.). He supported his clients for compliance with the regulations such as AML (Anti Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing), FCPA (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) and the UK Bribery Act. Burcin was involved in local and international arbitration cases as expert witness and his reports served to arbitrators in several cases. He always aims to see the opportunity within the crisis for his clients.

Maria Boboc

Area Manager – Whistlelink

Maria is an Area Manager within Whistlelink – an ISO 27001 certified Swedish tech company, providing whistleblowing solutions to organizations worldwide. Based in Spain for over a decade, Maria guides clients in various countries in implementing safe whistleblowing solutions that comply with both regulations and business ethics. She holds over 15 years of experience in building cross-border partnerships in multiple industries. Additionally, she also built and developed multinational teams.

Denisa Simion

Manager Financial Advisory - Forensic

Denisa is a manager within the Deloitte Financial Advisory – Forensic Department being a subject matter expert with over 10 years of experience in the prevention and investigation of frauds and white collar crimes, corporate misconduct and international operations both in law enforcement and consultancy. With extensive experience in international operations, Denisa holds a solid experience in law enforcement investigations and operations, international cooperation and relations with a particular focus in preventing and fighting financial crimes.

Elton Malta

Manager Financial Advisory - Forensic

Elton is a Manager within the Financial Advisory of Deloitte Romania with hands-on experience in Whistleblowing Services, BIS, AML, fraud investigation and integrity due diligence. Elton joined Deloitte Romania in 2019 after one year experience in the Financial Advisory of Deloitte Albania, where he was intensively involved in the Whistleblowing services, conducting thorough interviews and analysis, concerning serious misconducts (fraud, conflict of interest, theft etc.) from various clients located in Australia, such as banks, insurance companies and retail.

Participation in this webinar is free of charge and by registration only. Please note that the webinar will be held in English.


Andra Popa

Andra Popa

Senior Marketing Coordinator

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