Cum pot construi companiile din industria de explorare și producție


How can upstream oil and gas companies build a fit-for-the-future portfolio?

In an era of uncertain oil prices and higher shareholder expectations, developing a future-ready portfolio is likely to be a priority for O&G companies. However, with the myriad narratives and tools in the marketplace, this is easier said than done.

We have identified certain traits exhibited by companies with future-fit portfolios; companies that rank high in our analysis (top 30 out of 230) did the following five things that seemed to help them stand out from the crowd and in the eyes of investors:

  • Actively managed portfolio within a consistent strategic framework
  • Placed operational excellence over locational advantage
  • Managed resources through the lens of investment cycles
  • Grew in natural gas at a measured pace
  • Followed a moderate risk-return investment strategy
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