What are the current opportunities of financing from European funds for the energy sector?


What are the current opportunities of financing from European funds for the energy sector?

- Deloitte-ZF videoconference -

October 14, 2021, between 09:15 and 11:45

Deloitte Romania and Ziarul Financiar organize the videoconference “What are the current opportunities of financing from European funds for the energy sector?”, which aims at debating with the authorities and with the business environment the conditions in which companies in this industry can benefit from financing from European funds.

In the context of the transition to the green energy and of the increasing pressure that regulatory bodies, shareholders, clients and employees are putting on energy companies, European funds are an important financing mechanism.

  • What are the latest trends in European policies?
  • What are Romania’s strategic priorities?
  • What lessons have we learned from implementing projects with European financing?
  • What challenges should we expect? What are the fiscal aspects of the investments in energy based on financing programs?

All these topics will be addressed by the event’s moderator, Cristian Hostiuc, Editorial Director of Ziarul Financiar, with the videoconference guests:

- Dan Dragos Dragan, State Secretary, Minister of Energy;

- Ionut Micu, General Manager, State Aid and European Funds Department, Minister of Energy;

- Ondrej Safar, CEO, CEZ Romania;

- Bogdan Toncescu, CEO, Transelectrica;

- Dragos Barbulescu, CEO, Delgaz Grid;

- Sorin Elisei, Director, Deloitte Romania, Leader of energy and sustainability practices;

- Radu Kubinschi, Director, Deloitte Romania, Leader of services specialized in European funds;

- Dan Badin, Tax Partner, Deloitte Romania.

The videoconference will take place on Thursday, October 14, 2021, between 09:15 and 11.45, and will be broadcast live on www.zf.ro and on Deloitte Romania and Ziarul Financiar Facebook accounts.

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Event agenda

09.15–09.25 - Opening speech and presentation of types pf support (grant/instrument) related to financing from European funds

  • Sorin Elisei, Director, Deloitte Romania, Leader of energy and sustainability practices


09.25–10.00 – Dan Dragos Dragan, State Secretary, Minister of Energy, and Ionut Micu, General Manager, State Aid and European Funds Department, Minister of Energy – discussion with Sorin Elisei, Director, Deloitte Romania, Leader of energy and sustainability practices, and with Cristian Hostiuc, Editorial Director of Ziarul Financiar


10.00–10.25 – New trends in European policies. Financial instruments. Fiscal perspectives on investments which benefit from a financing program

  • Radu Kubinschi, Director, Deloitte Romania, Leader of services specialized in European funds – New trends in European policies and instruments. Focus on financial instruments
  • Dan Bădin, Tax Partner, Deloitte Romania – Fiscal perspectives on investments which benefit from a financing program


10.25-11.30 – Panel: Perspective of potential beneficiaries in the energy field on European funds

  • Ondrej Safar, CEO, CEZ Romania;
  • Bogdan Toncescu, CEO, Transelectrica;
  • Dragos Barbulescu, CEO, Delgaz Grid;
  • Sorin Elisei, Director, Deloitte Romania, Leader of energy and sustainability practices;
  • Dan Badin, Tax Partner, Deloitte Romania.



11.30-11.40 – Conclusions of the event

  • Sorin Elisei, Director, Deloitte Romania, Leader of energy and sustainability practices;
  • Radu Kubinschi, Director, Deloitte Romania, Leader of services specialized in European funds;
  • Dan Badin, Tax Partner, Deloitte Romania


Moderator: Cristian Hostiuc, Editorial Director of Ziarul Financiar