

CFO Insights

A Deloitte thought leadership series

Deloitte tackles the issues that finance executives face in today’s dynamic environment and provides a stream of perspectives on those challenges with plenty of practical advice to help CFOs stay ahead of the competition. 

Find out more about the latest articles.

After the crisis: rapid evolution, not revolution

Companies in Europe are very much looking ahead, beyond COVID-19, according to more than 1,300 CFOs. Extreme post-pandemic scenarios involving radical changes to supply chains and wholesale adoption of remote working do not seem likely to play out. A majority of CFOs expect a future of predominantly digital client interactions and are focusing on their digital transformation. Adaptable employees, structures that enable fast decision-making and honest stakeholder communication will help business leaders to meet the challenge.

Why CFOs should have artificial intelligence on their minds

CFOs have to give serious thought to artificial intelligence (AI). The technology, which enables computers to be taught to analyze data, identify patterns, and predict outcomes, has evolved from aspirational to mainstream, opening a potential knowledge gap among some finance leaders. How can finance leaders incorporate AI (particularly the pattern-recognition skills of its machine learning application) into their operations? What kinds of projects should CFOs start with (hint: think visibility)? Where can CFOs source hard-to-find talent that aligns with the mission (hint: look around you)? Should CFOs now become data scientists or at least learn how to sound like one (hint: apply humility liberally)?

Mastering data for better insights—and competitive advantage

Sooner or later, many CFOs will confront the need to adapt and embed advanced data management capabilities throughout their organizations. That need to manage data more effectively—upgrading from less advanced business intelligence and data warehouse architectures—may become a top priority as a result of a pressing competitive challenge or a strategic imperative to drive a digital transformation. What are the questions finance leaders can ask when assessing the maturity of an organization’s data management abilities?