COVID-19 potential implications for the banking and capital markets sector


COVID-19 potential implications for the banking and capital markets sector

23 March 2020

COVID-19’s impact on individuals, communities, and organizations is rapidly evolving. In addition to the effects on the supply and demand side, COVID-19 has already jolted financial markets. Since February 21, 2020, bond yields, oil, and equity prices have sharply fallen, and trillions of dollars, across almost all asset classes, have sought safety.

Central banks around the world, meanwhile, have already proactively intervened to calm markets and show commitment to using all possible measures. Meanwhile, banking and capital markets firms around the world are mobilizing and taking steps to minimize COVID-19’s effects on day-to-day operations.

This article explores implications and raises questions around key areas that banking and capital markets leaders should be asking themselves right now and provides action steps for them to consider.

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