cyber security everybody's imperative


Cyber security: everybody’s imperative

A guide on guarding against cyber risks

Boards and the C-suite have an important role to play in helping organizations determine how to respond to the new cyber threat landscape.

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Effective cyber security starts with awareness at the board and C-suite level – the recognition that at some point every organization will be attacked. Understand the biggest threats and learn how they can put the assets at the heart of your organization’s mission at risk.

Traditionally, cyber threat management has focused on the “security” component while paying less attention to “vigilance” and “resilience.” These questions and maturity grading scale are designed to remedy this imbalance and present a full picture of the cyber-protected enterprise.

The attached questionnaire presents 10 questions boards should ask and answer around cyber security and resiliency. It is designed as a guide to help rank an organization’s cyber posture and capabilities as “high,” “moderate” or “low.” From the cyber “character” of the board and C-suite, to the strength of the organization’s cyber culture, to the organization’s role as a global guardian of digital commerce, the questions look through the triple lens of security, vigilance, and resilience to help pinpoint critical gaps and potential improvement areas.  

A look at the full picture of the cyber-protected enterprise
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