Proposal for the EU Green Bond Standards was published


Proposal for the EU Green Bond Standards was published

29 April 2020

The Technical Expert Group (TEG) on sustainable finance, created in 2018 by the European Commission (EC), proposed in 2019 report that the EC should create a voluntary and non-legislative EU Green Bond Standard in order to enhance the transparency, effectiveness, comparability and credibility of the green bond market and to convince the market participants to issue and invest in EU green bonds.

Based on the recommendations from the June 2019 report, the TEG published March 9th 2020 their usability guide for the EU Green Bond Standard that aims at offering market participants the necessary guidance on the use of the standard and the steps to set-up a market-based registration scheme for the other external verifiers.

This article provides further insight on key aspects of EU Green Bond Standard (EU GBS).

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