Societal resilience


Societal resilience

The Global Social Impact practice helps clients in the public, private, and social sectors across the world become a catalytic force to meet our greatest societal challenges. Our multidisciplinary and geographically diverse teams can co-create new solutions with clients and help evolve those critical solutions from concept to scale. We focus on designing and building effective solutions, strengthening linkages between sectors, quantifying and communicating impact, and mobilizing and strengthening the fast-evolving ecosystem of players—to ultimately help move both the organization and society from aspiration to tangible impact.

Area of focus description

Help make our communities and society more safe, secure, and resilient through public services, shared infrastructure, and humanitarian action.

Why Deloitte for this area of focus?

In today’s global economy, our communities are dealing with rapid social and environmental changes. From urbanization to changing demographics to shifts in climate, the health and safety of our communities and economies are dependent on their ability to adjust quickly and productively.

Deloitte has dedicated teams across the globe with experience in the public services, shared infrastructure, and humanitarian action that are required for societal resilience. We help clients with strategy design through to implementation in order to address issues at the heart of creating resilient cities.

With Deloitte’s cross-sector experience and long standing commitment to people and public services, we are well-positioned to bring the corporate, public, and social sectors together to help solve complex societal challenges.

Societal resilience

Enabling new processes for urban governments to address service delivery challenges and leverage performance data to drive management decisions

In Amman, Jordan there had been a population explosion of 1 million new residents over 3 years due to urbanization and increased pressure from refugees from neighboring Syria. Despite the population growth, there has been a lack of infrastructure and funding to manage solid waste, from street sweeping to household pickup to disposal in landfills. The poor solid waste management (SWM) has undermined citizen confidence in city government, and poor SWM has the potential to disrupt economic growth and trigger political instability.

CityPerform, a tool to help manage city services, was developed in a joint initiative between the Greater Amman Municipality and a team from Deloitte. Built upon more than 15 years of municipal management innovation in the US, municipal managers are enabled by tools that can help hold department heads accountable for stated results. Within these tools, a streamlined performance framework of objectives and measurable indicators are agreed to in advance and linked to overall strategy. Dashboards visually track municipal service performance and facilitate management decision-making.

CityPerform is helping Amman reinvent how it manages city services to better meet its diverse service delivery and city governance challenges through metrics and standards, customer-centricity, and information to insight.

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