What Is Digital Maturity and How Does It Work for You?
What used to be something non-essential, nowadays evolved into a must-have characteristic of a successful business: digital capabilities. Consumers’ digital know-how is continuously developing towards a digital day-to-day life, most recently being driven by the COVID-19 lockdown changes.
Businesses previously described as “exploring digital” must now shift towards behaving, operating, and organizing themselves as profoundly digital, introducing, or otherwise refining what we call their “Digital DNA”. This can be as exciting as it is challenging.
Together, we will explore the global market’s overview, the digital maturity in the local markets, predominant trends, rising challenges, opportunities for growth and relevant consumer statistics.
We invite you to discuss these topics and other aspects during the webinar organized by Deloitte Romania, on March 16, 2021, between 14:00-15:30. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers.
- Vladimir Aninoiu - Technology Director, Deloitte Romania;
- Daniel Majewski - Senior Manager, Strategy Consulting, Deloitte Poland;
- Catalina Dabija-Dorobat - Manager, Deloitte Romania;
- Pavel Stan - Consultant, Deloitte Romania.
The topics to be discussed include:
- Global market overview;
- Romanian market digital perspective;
- Opportunities for development;
- Digital DNA assessment tool (and the expanded version Digital Maturity Model).
This webinar will be held in English, the participation is free of charge and it is done exclusively on the basis of invitation and registration at this link.
The registration is open until March 15, 2021 at 18:00.