World Tax Advisor


World Tax Advisor

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World Tax Advisor is a bulletin of international tax developments written by professionals of the member firms of Deloitte. The newsletter focuses on analyses of cross-border tax developments that reflect the dynamic business environment faced by multinationals. The last issue of each month includes an update of recent tax treaty developments.

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23 June 2017

Featured Articles

  • CRS rules apply in China as from 1 July 2017


  • New tax treaty with the UK under negotiation


  • Budget includes hike in National Social Responsibility Levy, new foreign exchange tax


  • CRS regulations, guidance notes issued and portal open


  • Tax authorities clarify VAT treatment of digital supplies made by nonresidents


  • High Court rules payments under secondment agreement do not attract withholding tax
  • Foreign Investment Promotion Board abolished

In brief: News in brief from the EU, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Malaysia, Netherlands, Singapore and Thailand.

BEPS corner: Updates on developments in the OECD BEPS initiative, including developments from Austria, the EU, Italy, New Zealand, the OECD, Singapore and the UK.

Tax treaty round up: Tax treaty developments in Austria, Estonia, India, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, the UK and the US.

Global Tax Alerts

  • OECD: BEPS Action 15: 68 jurisdictions sign MLI to modify bilateral tax treaties
23 June 2017


9 June 2017
Japan’s CFC rules tightened in line with BEPS action 3

26 May 2017
Netherlands to redefine scope of dividend withholding tax act

12 May 2017
Australian government wins landmark transfer pricing case on debt financing

28 April 2017
Azerbaijan tax reform includes new transfer pricing and anti-avoidance rules

14 April 2017
Changes to Vietnam’s transfer pricing rules bring the rules in line with BEPS actions

24 March 2017
Oman makes wide-ranging changes to tax law

10 March 2017
South Africa’s 2017 budget includes overall commitment to BEPS project

24 February 2017
India proposes restriction on deductibility of interest

10 February 2017
Measures in India’s budget 2017 affect nonresidents

27 January 2017
Colombia enacts extensive tax reform

13 January 2017
Practical aspects of tax registration by digital services providers under Russia’s new VAT rules

16 December 2016
UK releases draft legislation on rules restricting deductibility of corporate interest expense

25 November 2016
Papua New Guinea taxation of resources/non-resources sectors harmonized, CbC reporting introduced

11 November 2016
Cyprus amends IP regime to introduce OECD nexus approach

28 October 2016
France’s abolition of surtax exemption on tax-consolidated group distributions will not apply retroactively

14 October 2016
European Commission state aid investigation of Gibraltar tax rulings extended

23 September 2016
Egypt introduces new VAT law

9 September 2016
Belgian government plans replacement for patent income deduction

19 August 2016
Georgia to move to distributed profit tax system

22 July 2016
Direct and indirect tax implications of Brexit

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