Preturi de transfer


Packaging, electrical and electronic equipment waste – 2018 

new changes to the Environmental Fund taxes

Recently, came into force new methodological rules for calculating the contributions and taxes due to the Environmental Fund that bring important changes in this field.

We invite you to a conference, where you could find out the impact of the new changes on reporting obligations and the contributions due to the Environmental Fund, mainly related to packaging and electrical and electronic equipment.

The main topics to be addressed in this conference are:

  • The key modifications made to the methodology for calculating the contributions and tax due to the Environmental Fund
  • Expected changes of the legislation in 2018 concerning the modification of  Environmental Fund legislation
  • The EFA software program - Waste Traceability 
  • Concerning aspects regarding the EFA inspection process
  • The new appearance of the Responsibility Transfer Operators ("RTO") in the light of the latest changes in the field of packaging, EEE and batteries/ accumulators
  • Individual fulfillment of the goals – is it possible?
  • How is traceability of waste properly tracked?
  • When do we have to pay the WEEE and battery / accumulator waste tax?
  • Do you have to register at the National Environmental Protection Agency for the purchase of electrical and electronic equipment ("EEE") of the products that contain batteries or accumulators?
  • When do we have to pay the tax for WEEE and battery/ accumulator waste?
  • When a non-EU company acquires intra/ extra Community goods, who has the obligation to manage packaging waste/ WEEE?
  • Issues of interest regarding the regulation of contractual relationships between relevant actors on the waste market
  • Approaches of the recent practice of EFA controls: documents that prove the traceability, the person responsible for tax payment, documents that substantiate the deposit system, etc.


9:00 – 9:30 Participants registration

09:00 – 11:00 

  • Amendments to environmental tax legislation
  • Expected changes of the legislation in 2018
  • The EFA software program - waste traceability
  • Concerning aspects regarding the EFA inspection process
  • Questions & Answers 

11:00 - 11:15 Coffee break 

11:15 - 13:00

  • The retrospective of 2017 and the 2018 outlook through the perceptiveness of RTO in the case of:

 - packaging waste management 

 - management of waste electrical and electronic equipment and batteries/ accumulators

  • Questions & Answers 

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break

14:00 – 15:00

  • Case studies considering the amendments to the packaging tax 

 - Individual fulfillment of the objectives

 - Waste traceability 

 - Reusable packaging 

  • The Obligation of distributors/ producers of EEE and batteries/ accumulators
  • Transfer of responsibility contracts: interest matters and essential elements of the legal and contractual relationship between economic operators and RTO
  • Questions & Answers 

15:00 - 15:15  Coffee break

15:15 – 16:00  

  • Approaches of the recent practice of EFA controls: documents that prove the traceability, the responsible person for tax payment, documents that substantiate the deposit system, etc.
  • Questions & Answers 

16:00 – 16:30  Closing the event 


*The official language of the event is Romanian.

Payment details

190 € – for the first participant

160 € – or any other participant within the same company / group

Snacks and lunch are included during the event. The participation fee does not include VAT.

The invoice for the participation fee will be issued and provided after the event.

In order to preserve the interactive nature, the seminar will have a limited number of participants. Please confirm your participation by registering here


Cornel Brezuică – President of the Environmental Fund Administration 

Adela Lazăr - General Director, Greenpoint Management S.A.

Mihai Petre - Senior Manager Tax Department, Deloitte Romania

Daniela Neagoe – Manager Tax Department, Deloitte Romania

Ovidiu Balaceanu – Attorney Reff & Associates, member of Deloitte Legal in Romania


Other infomation

The event will be held on March 27, 2018, at Hotel Intercontinental (4 Nicolae Bălcescu Blvd.  ) Bucharest. For registration, please access this  link.

Contact persons:

Mihai Petre


Mobil: +40 730 585 665

Daniela Neagoe


Mobil: +40 730 585 871

You can cancel your registration for this event, by sending an email to  not later than 5 days before the date of the event. We reserve the right to cancel the event if the minimum number of confirmations is not met. In this case you will be informed in due time.