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Banking Risk and Regulatory - SAS 


6th of June, 2019 Bucharest

Current and future Regulatory challenges have a business impact in the field of Credit Risk. SAS and Deloitte have a history of successful collaborations with many financial entities in different jurisdictions, giving support to their Risk and Financial divisions in the evolution of their technological platforms.

On June 6, the first part of the presentation will focus on the development of internal models and calculations to comply with regulatory requirements and the calculation and reporting of impairment and regulatory capital.

The second topic will cover the compliance with Stress Testing requirements. The focus will be on the transformation of fragmented programs and engines into an integrated and strategic asset for all scenario-based simulations, such as Balance Sheet Forecasting, ICAAP, capital planning or internal stress testing.

Please register here until 27th May, 2019

Register here


  1. Credit Risk Transformation
  2. Integrated Stress Testing

The roundtable will be of particular interest to Chief Risk Officers, Chief Financial Officers, Head of Audit and bank specialists involved in risk management, financial and regulatory reporting, ALM and internal audit.

The participation is free of charge and is based exclusively on invitation and registration. The event will be held in English.



  • Dimitrios Goranitis – Partner – Financial Services Industry Risk and Regulatory Leader, Deloitte Central Europe
  • Sr Anselmo Marmonti - Director South Emea Risk Practice - SAS

The event will take place on the 6th of June at 9.30 am on Deloitte premises (The Mark Tower, 82-98 Calea Grivitei, 14th floor, Bucharest).  Please register until the 27th of May. 

If you experience difficulties with the online registration please contact Andra Popa, Event Coordinator.