
Closing of the year and tax legislative news

Deloitte Academy seminar | Ploiesti

Deloitte Romania experts are pleased to invite you to the seminar "Closing of the year and tax legislative news". 

During  this seminar we aim to answer the main challenges faced by the representatives of the financial - accounting department, on the occasion of the closing of the fiscal year. We will also discuss the main amendments of the tax legislation with potential impact in the coming period.

The topics proposed in our seminar will be approached from the following areas of interest: profit taxtransfer pricingvalue added tax and taxes to the Environment Fund.

We are looking forward to receiving your questions at:


08:30 – 09:00  Welcome coffee & registration  

09:00 – 10:45  Year-end related aspects (Part I)

·       The inventory process and the associated fiscal risks

·       Technological losses

·       Service contracts and documentation obligations

·       Recommendations regarding other periodic checks / due diligence from the VAT perspective

·       Excess borrowing costs

·       Tax treatment of the revaluation reserve

10:45 – 11:00  Coffee break

11:00 – 12:30  Year-end related aspects (Part II)

·       Sponsorship payments - the calculation of the tax credit under the new rules

·       Reinvested profit and research & development activities fiscal facility

·       Collaboration with non-residents - tax withholding on sources and declarative obligations

Taxes to the Environment Fund

·       Legislative news

·       Practical cases and sensitive issues

·       Tax inspections of the Environmental Fund Administration

12:30 – 13:00  Lunch break

13:30 – 14:30 Transfer pricing related aspects

·       Fiscal obligations in the transfer pricing area - transfer pricing file and "Country-by-Country" reporting

·       Tax audits - risk factors, practices and approaches

·       Tools for avoiding double taxation due to transfer pricing adjustments

·       Voluntary transfer pricing adjustments

·       Advance pricing agreement - a proactive approach to avoid future disputes with the tax authorities

14:30 – 14:45  Coffee break

14:45 – 16:00  Legislative news

·       Quick fixes (quick VAT solutions)

·       The case law of the European Court of Justice - recent cases

·       Directive on administrative cooperation in tax matters (DAC 6)

·       Tax treatment of hybrid entities and transactions (ATAD II)

·       Government Emergency Ordinance no. 114/2018

·       Bill on undercapitalized companies

·       Bill on fiscal consolidation and fiscal residence

·       News and implications of Brexit


*The delivery language of the seminar is Romanian

Payment details

100 € – per participant 

Snacks and lunch are included during the event. The participation fee does not include VAT.

10% discount is granted for at least three participants from the same company.

The invoice for the participation fee will be issued and provided after the event.

Deloitte Romania experts

Mihaela Popescu Director, Corporate and International Tax

Mihaela is a Director within the corporate and international tax department of Deloitte with more than 10-years of activity as tax advisor. Mihaela has extensive experience in advising clients in domestic and international corporate income tax matters, withholding taxes and local taxes.Her expertise relates in particular to deal/business structuring transactions, tax reviews, due diligence, international tax structuring, M&A and dispute resolution.

Along the years, Mihaela has serviced a wide portfolio of domestic and international clients, primarily in the real estate, IT&C, energy and financial services sectors.

Mihaela holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance and Banking as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in Law. She is a Chartered Financial Analyst chart holder and a member of the local Chamber of Tax Consultants.


Adrian Teampau Director, Indirect Tax

Adrian is a Director within the Indirect Tax Department of Deloitte Romania, specialized in consultancy on VAT and environmental matters as well IT automations. Adrian is active in advisory field for over 14 years, delivering various tax projects for multinational companies in manufacturing, automotive, real estate, pharma, retail and consumer goods.

Currently, Adrian concentrates on development and delivery of services on environment matters such as taxes due to the environmental fund, reusable packages, procedures, trainings. Adrian also develops IT applications that automate tax processes with the aim of increasing tax efficiency and reducing tax risks.

Adrian is a member of the working groups of FIC and AmCham Romania, discussing and proposing draft legislation on tax matters. Adrian has a diploma in Economics with the Romanian-American University and is a member of the Romanian Chamber of Tax Consultants.

Adrian Teampau

Vlad Vatavu Manager, Direct Tax

Vlad is a Manager within the Direct Tax Department of Deloitte Romania, specialized in Corporate Income Tax.

More specifically, Vlad focuses on Consumer Business sector. Vlad has gathered significant experience in assisting local and multinational companies in projects related to direct and international taxation such as: tax restructuring, tax due diligence, tax advisory and tax reviews. Vlad has also extensive experience in representing companies in tax inspections and assist, together with Reff & Associates, during tax litigations.

Also, Vlad is involved in a digitalization project by developing a corporate income tax computation solution which aims to align the tax function and consultants with technology.

Vlad is a chartered tax advisor and member of the Romanian Chamber of Tax Consultants (CCF) since 2018. He holds a BA in Accounting and Management Information Systems from the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest.


Catalina CojocaruManager, Indirect Tax

Ctalina is a Manager within the Indirect Tax Department of Deloitte Romania, specialized in VAT.

In the past years, Catalina has been involved in various types of projects for local and international companies from different industries: restructuring or tax optimization projects, tax reviews, tax disputes, representation in front of the tax authority, tax reporting and SAP implementation.

Catalina is part of the Deloitte group specialized in Energy and Resources, focused on Oil and Gas.

Catalina has a bachelor degree in Business and Tourism from ASE Bucharest. She is a member of the Romanian Chamber of Tax Consultants and in the process of becoming member of CIOT UK (Chartered Institute of Taxation).


Adelina Grosu – Manager, Transfer Pricing

Adelina is a Manager within the Tax department of Deloitte Romania, with a professional experience of almost 6 years in the field, being specialized in transfer pricing.

Adelina carried out documentation projects on transfer pricing for intra-group transactions for multinational companies and assisted clients in tax audits.

In addition, Adelina has been involved in various projects of preparation and review of transfer pricing documentation, tax consultancy for international and local company groups, restructuring projects, as well as draft transfer pricing agreements in advance.

Adelina's main areas of expertise cover industries, such as: TMT, retail and manufacturing.


Cristina Manea – Senior Consultant, Direct Tax 

Cristina is a Senior Consultant in the Corporate Tax Department of Deloitte Romania specialized in corporate and international tax matters.

Cristina has over 4 years experience in tax advisory, assisting companies on different projects, such as due diligence, tax reviews and tax structurings. She has also assisted the clients during the tax audits. Cristina has focus on retail, consumer business and real estate industry.

Cristina holds a Bachelor’s Degree in International Affairs from the Transylvania University.


Roxana Chiriac – Senior Consultant, Indirect Tax 

Roxana is Senior Consultant within the Indirect Tax Department of Deloitte Romania.

Roxana has 5 years experience in tax advisory and is specialized in VAT. Roxana has been involved in different types of projects, offering tax advisory from a VAT perspective to local and international companies in several types of projects such as tax reviews, assistance during tax audit, VAT compliance, due diligence projects.

Roxana has a bachelor degree in Law from University of Bucharest.


Other details

The event will be held on February 27, 2020 at Prahova Plaza Hotel, Blue1 room (11, Constantin Dobrogeanu Gherea Str.,100035 ), Ploiesti.

For more information about this event, please don't hesitate co contact us.

Maria Belova


Mobile: +40 733 003 850

You can cancel your registration for this event, by sending an e-mail to: not later than 5 days before the date of the event. We reserve the right to cancel the event if the minimum number of confirmations is not met. In this case, you will be informed in due time.