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Manage: Global Transfer Pricing Documentation

Digital DoX

Businesses are under more pressure than ever to find efficient ways of managing Transfer Pricing (TP) documentation. The OECD recommendations are being expanded with additional local legislative requirements and tax authorities expecting local detail and exactness when scrutinizing it under audit.

Are you looking to enhance your TP documentation process and operating model?

How do we achieve the required localization while maintaining necessary global consistency? Doing this without large resources and cost lies at the heart of the challenge.

Deloitte understands this challenge. Although 99%* of businesses outsource some of their work, they want to partner with their service provider to divide the work in different ways, be it benchmarking, local country files, functional analysis, master file, or coordination of documentation. To address these needs, our approach is flexible and customized.

A successful process will include:

What is TP Digital DoX?

TP Digital DoX is Deloitte’s global proprietary web-based application for generating transfer pricing reports. Its modular approach leverages existing and newly created information to enable flexible collaboration between internal and external users.

This web-based solution provides a central project management via an integrated dashboard. It facilitates and streamlines the efficient preparation of TP documentation reports, while enabling collaboration.

Why TP Digital DoX?

The application enables a streamlined and collaborative process involving both central and local teams. It facilitates the drafting of transfer pricing documentation through questionnaires and report templates.

It’s entirely flexible and scalable depending on your needs, and the automation reduces human error and removes much of the duplication that can otherwise occur in preparing the documentation around the world.

Technology-enabled documentation process

Leverage existing reports through a technology-enabled modular approach for efficient and consistent report generation.

Technology-enabled documentation process

TP Digital DoX: Key functionality

User experience
The drag and drop interface is intuitive to use and appears in multiple languages. Integrated dashboards and workflow management capabilities help to coordinate project oversight and teaming centrally. Tasks can be assigned, completed, and progress monitored while chat-style commentary facilitates communication both between your teams, colleagues, and our advisers.
Import functionality
The Block Importer automates the digitization process by taking existing documentation and breaking this down into ‘blocks’ which can be assembled into the required reports. Pre-formatted questionnaires map responses automatically into template reports consistent with local requirements and OECD/BEPS guidelines.
The ‘blocks’ are stored in libraries with meta tags. This allows for report assembly using one source of data repeatedly with the flexibility to add local content.
Next gen modularization
Users can drag and drop ‘blocks’ into templates for localized reports. These reports can be collated centrally and then localized or arranged at a local level and then harmonized and reviewed by teams around the world.
Personalized dashboards and data analytics
On-screen project management allows for clear tracking of workflow management to tasks and deadlines. Real-time data allows for informed decision-making and alerts teams to issues before they arise. Workflow management, through the dashboard, maintains control of content and deadlines, and also gives an audit trail.
On-demand reporting
Reports and drafts can be generated on demand. Since information is stored in blocks, as it is updated or changed, all reports automatically access the latest version allowing a one-touch revision of all associated content.

These reports are country-specific and can be localized as required. Because the data is accessed from central libraries, consistency around the world can be ensured. And as all reports can be reviewed centrally, governance protocols are met.

* All data cited from independent research with 250 global decision makers in Transfer Pricing.

Get in touch

Vlad Boeriu

Vlad Boeriu

Partener, Tax

Vlad joined Deloitte in 2004 as a Tax Consultant and saw a rapid climb from Junior Consultant to Partner. He is experienced in VAT planning and has assisted various companies in VAT compliance and opt... More

Bogdan Barbu

Bogdan Barbu

Tax Partner

Bogdan is a Partner in the Tax Department of Deloitte specialized in Transfer Pricing and International Taxation and the leader of the “Industrial Products and Services, Chemicals and Specialty Materi... More

Alexandra Bunea-Oprisescu

Alexandra Bunea-Oprisescu


Alexandra Bunea-Oprisescu has twelve-years experience in providing transfer pricing assistance to domestic and international clients operating in the financial service industry as well as in the telec... More

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