Enterprise Technology & Performance (ETP): SAP and ServiceNow


Enterprise Technology & Performance (ETP): SAP and ServiceNow

Our specialists help clients achieve maximum value through digital transformation across all business process areas. We support SAP S/4 Hana Enterprise Transformation journeys from discovery to hyper-care, and we operate by leveraging both functional and technical expertise. Using technologies like Anaplan, we support clients in implementing enterprise performance management and with our ServiceNow team, we help develop solutions for a user-centric experience.


We support clients in business transformation and on-going operations and maintenance services for the full suite of SAP on prem and cloud software solutions.

Service Now

We optimize business outcomes by leveraging ServiceNow as an E2E digital workflow platform, reimagining how work gets done, and delivering material improvements in revenue and cost reduction while optimizing the employee and customer experience.


We develop integrated business, finance, and operational planning solutions, to enable delivery of unprecedented client value.

Get in touch

Alina Chitu

Alina Chitu

ETP (SAP and ServiceNow) Lead

Alina is a Director in the Deloitte Technology Delivery Center based in Bucharest, leading the Enterprise Technology & Performance and SAP offerings. She has more than 25 years experience in the SAP b... More