On the board’s agenda


On the board’s agenda | July 2016

Effective anti-fraud and anti-corruption programs: Mitigating the threat of fraud and corruption

David Doyle, chief compliance officer, Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, and Anthony Campanelli, partner, Regulatory, Forensics, & Compliance, Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP, discuss mitigating fraud risks and the importance of an effective whistleblower program.

Welcome to the latest issue of On the board’s agenda, a publication series focused on topical issues of importance to non-executive directors. Each issue examines a single topic in detail, and includes the perspectives of a Deloitte professional with deep expertise in the subject matter as well as the views of a non-executive director or external advisor.

In this issue…

David Doyle, chief compliance officer, Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, and Anthony Campanelli, partner, Regulatory, Forensics, & Compliance, Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP, discuss mitigating fraud risks and the importance of an effective whistleblower program. Today, when the typical organization loses five percent of its revenues to fraud and corruption each year, and regulators are taking an increasingly aggressive stance in enforcing anti-corruption laws, directors may be found personally liable if they are found to be less than diligent in carrying out their responsibilities for ensuring that management puts in place effective anti-fraud and anti-corruption programs and controls.

You can view our previous On the board's agenda issues focused on Third-Party Risk, Private Company Governance, Base Erosion & Profit Sharing, Shareholder Engagement, and Organizational Talent.

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