
Risk & Compliance Journal from The Wall Street Journal

Deloitte Module

Deloitte writes and compiles a regular stream of content and timely features on risk, cyber, regulatory, and compliance matters—research, topical digests, perspectives, insights, and technical analysis—which appear in a separate module of Risk & Compliance Journal, an online publication from The Wall Street Journal.

Risk & Compliance Journal provides news and commentary to corporate executives and others 24/7, with content spanning governance, risk and compliance, as well as analysis of the significance of laws and regulations, the risks inherent in global expansion, and the protective moves taken by companies. The Morning Risk Report weekday newsletter cues up some of the most important news in risk and compliance. Risk & Compliance Journal is included as part of existing WSJ Digital subscriptions.

Note: The Wall Street Journal is not involved in the creation of Deloitte content.

Access the Deloitte Module/Risk & Compliance Journal.

Recent articles

Creating Value from Risk 

Owen Ryan, CEO of Deloitte & Touche LLP’s Risk Advisory practice, discusses what companies and their boards are doing to address the growing number of risks and the importance of looking for ways to use risk strategically and opportunistically in order to create and build value.

Strategic Risks: The New Frontier of Risk Management

Andrew Blau, managing director of Deloitte & Touche LLP’s Strategic Risk Solutions practice, discusses the benefits of focusing on strategic risks to help organizations identify what could undermine their future business, adapt to new challenges, and take advantage of emerging opportunities.

Security Attacks: A Lead Driver of Reputation Risk

Concerns about the impact of security incidents on a company’s reputation are mounting among CEOs, boards of directors and risk executives, according to a Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited survey, and many executives believe security poses greater reputational risks than product safety and customer service issues.

Audit Committees: Issues to Consider for 2015

Information technology, regulatory matters, globalization, risk oversight, and tax issues have recently played a significant role in many audit committees’ activities, and may become more prominent in 2015 as discussed in a recent edition of Deloitte’s Audit Committee Brief.

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