Health and Wellbeing


Health and wellbeing

The Global Social Impact practice helps clients in the public, private, and social sectors across the world become a catalytic force to meet our greatest societal challenges. Our multidisciplinary and geographically diverse teams can co-create new solutions with clients and help evolve those critical solutions from concept to scale. We focus on designing and building effective solutions, strengthening linkages between sectors, quantifying and communicating impact, and mobilizing and strengthening the fast-evolving ecosystem of players—to ultimately help move both the organization and society from aspiration to tangible impact.

Area of focus description

Support the advancement of the wellbeing of communities across the world, focusing on health, family and community cohesion, and the pillars of wellbeing.

Why Deloitte for this area of focus?

Improving the health and wellbeing of a population can help in promoting economic growth and prosperity, reducing poverty, and improving quality of life.

We bring Deloitte’s experience combined with our passion for health and wellbeing to help clients work toward lasting social change and innovative solutions. With deep specialization, Deloitte works alongside clients to develop strategies for improving outcomes related to medical disease, obesity and addiction, ageing populations, stress and mental health, hunger and under-nutrition, and hygiene. We are passionate about health and wellbeing and strengthening and empowering families and communities.

Why Deloitte” for this Area of Focus

Working with the World Health Organization to combat malaria and save lives

According to the World Health Organization, one child dies from malaria in Africa every minute, and there are 200 million mosquito-induced malaria cases per year globally. World Health Organization (WHO) engaged Deloitte to assist in the effort to eliminate malaria through a 10-year Global Malaria Action Plan (GMAP). WHO and Deloitte sought to address this issue by engaging relevant stakeholders around this issue.

Deloitte worked with 500+ to help WHO develop a “business case” for addressing the issue of malaria. We involved regional, international, academic, private sector, and other participants to gain buy-in. GMAP launched in May 2015, with common goals, strategies, and activities. We also developed communications and coordination across all sectors and guided the allocation of resources to maximize results of this collaboration for a malaria-free world.

Area of focus contact

Adithi Pandit- Partner, Deloitte New Zealand Consulting

Changing the lives of New Zealanders

Based on a 2015 report from their Ministry of Social Development, child care and protection services in New Zealand receive 60,000 notifications of physical, sexual or emotional abuse each year. While in care, however, there is evidence of re-victimization and abuse. As a result, children who have gone through the system were found to have dramatically worse health, wellbeing, social, and economic outcomes than the rest of the population. In 2014, the Government committed to completely overhaul the system and improve outcomes for children.

Deloitte worked alongside children and young people, staff, caregivers, families, whānau (Māori family unit), iwi (Māori community unit), partner agencies, and non-government organizations to truly understand the foundations for children to be healthy and well and to grow into healthy and well adults. The new system design was then based on these foundations and involved designing not just government services, but the whole of the ecosystem to ensure that a child has a voice in what happens to him or her and is surrounded by a caring, loving family, who is in turn supported by a cohesive and strong community. The result was a new child-centered operating model, which will be implemented in 2016. This new system will directly impact the lives of 60,000 children and young people across New Zealand.

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