Indirect Tax Automation News


Indirect Tax Automation News

Quarterly newsletter covering changes in the indirect tax laws in the EU impacting ERP and related systems and developments in the area of indirect tax automation.

September 2014

Featured articles:

  • Cash Accounting Scheme in Romania – SAP support note
  • Invoicing Software Requirements in Portugal – SAP support note
  • Hungarian European Purchase and Sales Listing – SAP support note
  • E-invoicing: circular letter published in Italy
  • E-invoicing: comments regarding Hungary
  • Recent VAT changes impacting tax codes and VAT determination logic
  • Belgium – New Intrastat Submission in 2015
  • Sweden – New Intrastat Submission in 2015
  • ONESOURCE Indirect Tax Compliance – Vies validation
  • ONESOURCE Indirect Tax Determination – 2015 changes
  • EU agrees on trade sanctions against Russia
September 2014

For back editions of global indirect tax news, please email a request to

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