
Енергетика и комуналне услуге 

Наш тим пружа широк спектар услуга, иновативна решења и критичко мишљење компанијама које се баве производњом и дистрибуцијом електричне енергије, компанијама из области водопривреде, предвиђајући и одговарајући на комплексне изазове тржишта.

Global energy storage

Digitization and market innovation accelerate battery storage deployment

Battery storage is having its moment. In addition to flexibility and rapidly falling prices, advances in digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and predictive analytics are spurring innovative storage business models that were nearly inconceivable a few years ago. This paper—from our Center for Energy Solutions—addresses these and other key drivers that are transforming the global energy storage market, as well as challenges to overcome.

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European Power & Utilities Newsletter

Taking a closer look at the European power and utilities market

Quarterly updates on the market trends and performance of the European power and utilities sector.

Our quarterly newsletter provides an update on movements in the commodities market and key business and economic trends impacting the sector. We also take a closer look at any regulatory changes which may have taken place over the quarter and finally we look at performance highlights of the major European power and utilities companies.

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