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Celebrating our people - Jill Lim

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Deloitte SEA has many amazing people and as we celebrate our 175th Anniversary this year, we want to salute partners who have been with Deloitte for a long time. Here, we spotlight Jill Lim, Deloitte Singapore Tax Partner who has been with Deloitte for 32 years.

1. How has Deloitte changed or developed over the years?

Changes​ are aplenty. From the Global Employer Services (GES) perspective, we implemented a number of initiatives to improve our effectiveness and efficiency over the years. These include the extensive use of technology to transform our business as well as to go paperless in 2014, a move which proved to be crucial in allowing us to work-from-home with minimum disruption during this Covid-19 period. Another major initiative was the setting up of our offshoring centre in Philippines in 2016.

These developments enabled us to be​ more productive and efficient in our processes as well as the use of our office space.  GES moved to four different floors in the office building in Singapore between 2013 to 2018. The first three moves (including to interim holding areas) occurred in 2013 and 2014, when we were still working with physical files. The downtime before and after each move was long and disruptive to the delivery of our services as it took two weeks to pack the files and another two weeks to unpack after each move. 

However, during our last move to the 26th floor in 2018 after we have gone paperless, the downtime for the move was only half a day and we could resume work immediately thereafter. In addition, we  no longer needed to cater space for a compactus.

2. What do you enjoy most about working at Deloitte?​

The opportunity to meet people, build good and lasting relationships, and having both local and overseas colleagues who can appreciate and share your successes and pains.                                   

3. What is the most important lesson that you have learnt at Deloitte?

Focus on building trust. Do not under-estimate the contribution and impact that one can make individually and collectively. 

4. What is your biggest achievement to date?

My biggest achievement to date would be establishing the dedicated GES service line in Singapore and Southeast Asia. I am very grateful to have had the support of many colleagues in building and growing Singapore’s GES from a 20 member team with just one partner in 2002 to now where we have 160 members and 6 partners. In addition, we achieved a ten-fold increase in revenue since then. ​

5. What advice would you give to our new hires on how to succeed in their careers as well as personal lives?

Act with integrity and build mental strength. Learn to be resilient, stay positive and enjoy the journey. ​​

6. What would you like to wish Deloitte as we celebrate our 175th Anniversary?

That Deloitte’s flag will keep flying high, and we will continue to be relevant and trusted by our clients, our people and society. 

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