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Celebrating our people - Roy D. Kiantiong

Deloitte SEA has many amazing people. As we celebrate our 175th Anniversary this year, we want to highlight some of our people who are passionate about their hobbies. We speak to Roy D. Kiantiong, Deloitte Indonesia Tax Partner, on how he is an avid cyclist.

1. When did you start cycling?

I started cycling around 7 years ago. I was re-introduced to cycling by my fellow partner, who is an avid cyclist. I started with outdoor cycling on a mountain bike, and now I also own a road bike and a folding bike for cycling within the city.     

2. What do you like about cycling?

Cycling allows me to exercise and at the same time sight-see as I can travel and cover the broader area. By cycling, I become healthy, fit and also have a good work-life balance, so I can inspire my colleagues to have the same lifestyle. In addition, cycling enables me to meet other people from different backgrounds who share the same interest.  

3. Where do you go cycling and how often do you cycle? What is the distance covered each time?

I normally cycle on weekends, and do around 20km to 30km each time. Whenever possible, I try to participate in a cycling event. The longest trip I have ever taken was when I participated in an event for 130km in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I am aiming to do my century ride in the future by joining an event which covers 100 miles (approx. 160.9 KM).

4. Do you cycle with Deloitte people?

I cycle with my partners and other team members from Deloitte, coming from different functions and service lines. We call our team, Deloitte Cycling Club.

In the last few years, I had opportunities to cycle with them to several places (i.e. Yogyakarta, Harau Valley – West Sumatra, Lake Toba – North Sumatra in Indonesia and Penang in Malaysia). I am looking forward to future trips with my Deloitte colleagues to other interesting places.

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