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Celebrating our people - Vergel Hoe Bantoc

Deloitte SEA has many amazing people.  As we celebrate our 175th Anniversary this year, we want to highlight some of our people who are passionate about helping their communities. We speak to Vergel Hoe Bantoc, Deloitte Philippines Internal Services Senior, on how he helps indigenous tribes.

1. Please describe the volunteering that you do and with which organisation?

I am a member of AkyatAral, a group of mountaineers and hikers who help indigenous tribes that are mostly not reachable by the local government due to their far or unreachable places which take 7 to 8 hours of trekking.

2. Why did you decide to do this?

Being with AkyatAral is my way of giving back to our community and to my fellow people. It also helps me develop social skills and gain valuable experience. It is important to me because in every place that we visit, I see how eager the adults and children are to study and learn how to read and write. 

3. When did you start doing this?

I started with AkyatAral in 2013 and was inducted as a member in 2014.

4. Please share how does your volunteering help the community?

I believe that education is very important to everyone and must be given to children from these far flung areas as well.  They must develop skills and learn things from schools that they may use when they grow up. I believe that they must be given equal opportunities as we are given here in the cities.

That is why AkyatAral builds school libraries where children can learn to read and write. AkyatAral also promotes and helps the local community to help themselves in the aspects of livelihood, education, health and environmental protection.  AkyatAral also give donations to the locals such as food, clothes and other necessities for daily living.

5. Would you encourage other Deloitte staff to also volunteer and if so, why?

Volunteering is more than spending one’s time actively participating in activities that benefit other people. Volunteers are of great help to the community as they immerse themselves in a pool of opportunities. These opportunities are one reason why I encourage other Deloitte people to volunteer and contribute to our community. This selfless act is also one way of making an impact that matters. 


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