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Celebrating our people - Wimolporn Boonyusthian

Deloitte SEA has many amazing people and as we celebrate our 175th Anniversary this year, we want to salute our longest serving partners. Here, we spotlight Wimolporn Boonyusthian, Audit & Assurance Partner at Deloitte Thailand, who has been with Deloitte Thailand for almost 32 years!

1. When did you first join Deloitte and what was your role?

I joined Deloitte on April 18, 1988 as an Audit Assistant. 

2. How has Deloitte changed over the years? 

In the first three to four years of my career as an Audit Assistant, I used a lot of energy to carry heavy and bulky clients’ general ledgers, and spent most of my time in the document rooms to perform the audits as everything was manual. We had to carry a big luggage containing the prior year’s audit working papers to the client premises. If we did not finish our work, we had to stay late at the office or at the clients’ place to complete our work. Now we can work anywhere with the laptop and the internet - this really makes life easier! 

In addition, I used to work with large engagement teams and communication was done in person, but now we can work in smaller engagement teams and communicate via email or skype. In the past, all staff had to own a calculator and use it all the time. I had one solar cell calculator which was the best seller 30 years ago, and I trained myself to use it without seeing the number pad – and I was very fast at it!  Now, when I visit the engagement teams at the fieldwork, I don’t see any calculators on the tables anymore. The staff use either the excel program in their laptop or their mobile phone to make calculations.

3. What do you enjoy most about working at Deloitte?

I enjoy working with people, and in Deloitte Thailand, we work as one big family. We normally call the more senior colleagues, “Pi” (elder sister/brother), and junior colleagues, “Nong” (younger sister/brother). The working environment is filled with trust and understanding, allowing everyone to support each other.  

4. Please share a little about your hobbies?

I love travelling, nature and animals. I travel with different groups of friends, either with Deloitte colleagues or with my schoolmates. I normally have one to two trips a year, as seeing new things recharges my life. The other hobby I enjoy is  jogging in the park every other day, as it is fun and a good way to feel refreshed.

5. What advice would you give to our new hires on how to succeed in their careers as well as personal lives? 

When you become part of the Deloitte family, you can trust that you will have full support in career development and your future. Deloitte has a number of resources to support you in whatever you want to do. All you need to do is to be open to learn from others and share your knowledge with others as well. Do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, and never stop learning. 

6. What would you like to wish Deloitte as we celebrate our 175th Anniversary? 

Keep up the good work for another 175 years and more!

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