SEA Games 2015 Blog

Life at Deloitte

SEA Games 2015 Blog

Finding the extraordinary

This blog tells the stories of our people who are on the SEA Games 2015 journey. From the management team, to organizing committee, volunteers, and our athletes, each one of them will walk a different path but ultimately it will converge towards a common goal – one of pride and glory, with dreams in hand.

19 June 2015

Grace’s Story
Grace Ang
Manager, Enterprise Risk Services & Deloitte SEA Games Internal Audit engagement team member

My SEA Games journey began sometime in September 2014, right after we announced Deloitte’s sponsorship. At that time, I just completed my 4-month maternity leave and returned to work when my boss told me the exciting news – I was to be part of the Deloitte SEA Games Internal Audit engagement team. As I did not get a chance to be involved when Deloitte sponsored the Singapore Youth Olympic Games, this appointment is special to me; as a non-athlete, I never expected myself to play a role in a large-scale multi-sport event.

Our duties began with multiple discussions with the SEA Games organizing committee on our scope of work. It was decided that we should carve out two phases for the entire Internal Audit. Phase One began in April this year, where we looked at policies and procedures, the processes and controls as well as identified control lapses and potential compliance issues. This work is important as it highlights any possible control lapses before commencement of the Games.

The work is very much like what I do every day but what makes it interesting was the scale of the event and that it was about sports! It was a privileged to be able to get a behind-the-scenes view and witness the Games from a perspective that is different from what I would have otherwise see as a mere spectator.

Through the months leading up to the Games, I have had many opportunities to share Deloitte’s involvement in the SEA Games. In particular, sometimes, when I meet clients and exchange name cards, they would ask curiously about the SEA Games logo printed on mine. It often becomes a point of conversation as I explain to them Deloitte’s role in the Games, and it makes me proud to be on this journey with my Deloitte family.

When I was growing up, sports has always been a feature in my life. In school, I was part of the badminton team, representing my school in various inter-school competitions. I never thought of myself as an athlete; I simply had fun playing and doing well in a sport that I enjoy. In fact, I still play badminton recreationally, bonding with my fellow colleagues at the Deloitte Inter-Departmental Games (IDG) badminton matches. I missed out the chance to play last year (and the chance to play with Derek Wong!) as I just had my baby, and I am determined to pick up my badminton racket again and hopefully play in this year’s IDG.

While everyone involved in the Games is tying up loose ends and saying their goodbyes until the next SEA Games, the next phase of work is just about to begin for me and my team. Phase Two of our scope will begin in August 2015, after the Games committee wraps things up, crossing their ‘T’s and dotting their ‘I’s.

I am sure that Deloitte and my colleagues will continue to support me as I do my best in this final lap to help the committee close up matters properly and handing over a report that is well-rounded and thorough, befitting of the title “Official Professional Services Partner”. In a sense, I am doing my part for Singapore, and like the athletes at the Games, I have to desire to do my country and Deloitte proud.


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