
Virtual Finance Operation Lab

The Client’s Finance Function Diagnostic Journey

We worked together to define a vision for finance, identify a set of improvement projects, an organisation structure to deliver this and a roadmap to get there.

  1. We work with you to define your vision for finance:
    “Optimises the operator and steward roles in order that capacity can be redirected into catalyst and strategist activities.”
  2. We spoke to your customers of finance to understand their expectations of finance and how it aligned with the finance vision.
  3. We performed a time analysis survey to understand where the finance team spend their time. This highlighted that the finance team spends 85% of their time on transactional and compliance-oriented operator and steward roles.
  4. Together we ran a discovery workshop to share the findings of the vision, the voice of the customers and the time analysis, as a backdrop to understanding the key pain points for finance.

    And we identified 130+ pain points.
  5. Together we delivered a solution workshop to review leading practices, identify improvement initiatives to address pain points. We converted these into a series of quick wins and projects to deliver improved processes and identify opportunities to exploit technology.

    We identified 15 quick wins and 7 transformational projects.

    Your team agreed by when these would be delivered enabled through a high level roadmap.
  6. We assessed how the finance function could be structured to align with the vision and customer expectations.
  7. We developed a view of the future finance organisation structure. A plan to support transitions to this structure, staged as projects are completed.

Connect with us to discover how we can run the Virtual Finance Operation Lab for your organization.


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Key contact

Ghamazy Rashid

Ghamazy Rashid

Partner, Audit & Assurance, SEA

Ghamazy is a Partner in Deloitte Southeast Asia with more than 19 years of professional experience mainly in Singapore. He started his career in assurance, before moving to the IFRS desk in Singapore ... More