
Top tips for successful graduates

D.cision magazine - Issue 2

Are you at the stage where you’ll soon be graduating and hoping you’ll make the right career choice? Hoping you’ll find the right role that suits you? In this article, our staff share with you their top tips and advice to help you make that right choice in terms of choosing your employer and make the successful leap from graduate to top talents just like them.

Ng Song Min Roy

Degree and University: Bachelor of Business Administration (Accountancy), NUS

Designation/Function: Senior Associate, Audit – Financial Services Industry (FSI)

Year that you joined Deloitte: 2014

Hobbies: Volunteer work

Deloitte and you

Q. How did you get hired to work in Deloitte?

When I had completed my first year in NUS, I saw that Deloitte was offering a Scholarship to auditors-to-be who were motivated and passionate. Since then, I have done a summer internship in FSI and was also selected for the Accelerated Career Program (ACP).

Q. What is your current role?

I am currently an Audit Senior in the Financial Services Industry (FSI).

Q. How do you think Deloitte is different from the other Big Four?

I personally feel that what stands out for Deloitte is that it provides everyone an opportunity to grow by offering different paths that caters to your own personal and development needs.

Your advice to undergraduates

Q. What advice would you offer to undergraduates who want to pursue a career in FSI?

My advice to fellow undergraduates who want to pursue Audit in FSI is to be motivated and disciplined.

Q. What should one be prepared for when entering FSI?

In FSI, you need to keep abreast with the current affairs and the latest regulatory matters given how the banking industry in the world is complex and ever-changing.

Your Deloitte experience

Q. What is it like working in Deloitte?

Deloitte has a friendly and supportive working culture that helps to induce learning and development. More importantly, friendships are forged here. Deloitte is definitely a place for meeting and knowing more people and expanding your network.Through my time here, I have gotten to know people from the different Audit Groups, and also various departments like Tax, Enterprise Risk Services and Financial Advisory.

Q. What do you like about Deloitte?

It is definitely a place which recognises individuals for their performance.

Q. What are some of the opportunities that Deloitte provides?

I have been assigned challenging work that allows me to improve as a person in terms of managing expectations of myself, the team and clients. Outside of audit engagements, I have also been given opportunities to guide the interns through facilitating in the Intern Selection Workshop and also having a Welcome Tea Session during the last Summer Internship. I truly enjoyed the interaction with the interns and even weeks after the internship has ended, some of them continue to look to me for advice. I also have the pleasure to work with my other colleagues to organize Mentor Outings for my department. I like travelling and have always wanted to work in Big Apple (NYC). Deloitte has various mobility programmes, one of which is the Global Mobility Programme (GMP) which provides this opportunity, and I am doing my best to be on my way there.

Q. What is your career milestone in Deloitte so far?

Since the start of work last September, I have received numerous Applause awards, from various managers and my partner, Joshua Yan. I believe that I have reached all these “milestones” so far in such a short period with the guidance from my managers and partners to continuously drive for professional excellence.

Hsu Man Pin

Degree and University: Bachelor of Commerce, University of Melbourne / Master of Corporate Governance, Monash University

Designation/Function: Associate, Enterprise Risk Services

Year that you joined Deloitte: 2013

Hobbies: Table tennis, dogs, travel

Deloitte and you

Q. What is your background?

I have a background in business and corporate governance back in university. Primarily, I am not a numbers person so my major was in marketing, management in undergraduate studies, and law and responsible business in postgraduate studies. After I joined Deloitte, I further in my studies by taking up an International Compliance Academy Certification. Now, I am Compliance qualified!

Q. How did you get hired to work in Deloitte?

I think I am different from the rest because other than being competent in my studies, I have a number of CCAs such as table tennis, as well as a bubbly character.

Q. What is your current role?

I am currently doing Internal Audit for mostly Financial Services Industry (FSI) clients.

Q. How do you think Deloitte is different from the other Big Four?

Deloitte is different from the other Big 4 because it balances work with interesting activities, like sports and Corporate Responsibility events such as the Singapore Youth Olympic Games in 2010, the SEA Games 2015, as well as the upcoming ASEAN Para Games.

Your advice to undergraduates

Q. What advice would you offer to undergraduates in terms of career choices?

With regards to career choices, be bold and risk it! You are young and have a long future ahead of you! Learn to be open-minded, then gradually focus on your expertise and interest. That’s how I ended up doing Internal Audit, focusing on compliance function.

Q. What advice would you offer to undergraduates who want to pursue a career in ERS?

I would encourage undergraduates to be proactive and enthusiastic! Don’t be afraid of meeting different people or winning across challenges.

Q. What can one expect when working in ERS?

Heaps of challenges! Other than working in different teams, we face different and sometimes challenging clients. However, as long as we have relatively high EQ and a positive attitude, there’ll be no fear!

Q. What is the best part of your job?

Knowing that I have encouraging colleagues, who have become my good friends, and who have my back is the best part of my job. Of course, when I get graded ‘High Performance’ for my engagement appraisals, that is also a very rewarding feeling!

Your Deloitte experience

Q. What is it like working in Deloitte?

It is a very fun and rewarding experience working in Deloitte, with good work-life balance. Other than my daily ERS work, I am heavily involved in the Deloitte Table Tennis team. At times when I get tired of my daily work, I know that I have table tennis to fall back on and be rebooted from the games!

Q. What do you like about Deloitte?

Its work-life balance. Also, I am fortunate to have great mentors who I can look up to. These mentors give me pointers not only in my work but also how I should grow as a person outside of work.

Q. What is your happiest moment at work?

Knowing that my clients and bosses are happy with my work, and having an enjoyable working experience with my teammates. Additionally other than work, I am very proud and happy that I have made many good friends who genuinely care for me and look out for me just like their little sisters! (I am pretty much the youngest among my peers.)

Q. What are some of the opportunities that Deloitte provides?

At Deloitte, every day at work is a challenge but I am excited to take them on! Without these challenges posed at me, life at Deloitte would be meaningless. Once they have been overcome, I am overwhelmed with satisfaction! ERS organises annual Residential, which provides us with sufficient trainings that allows us to learn and develop. We are exposed to things that we are not familiar with so as to broaden our horizons. Coming from a corporate governance background, I particularly believe in giving back to the society. Since I joined Deloitte in August 2013, I have been attending every IMPACT Day (an annual volunteering day by Deloitte professionals) so that I can contribute back to the society. In 2013, I had the honour of bringing some students from NorthLight School to Universal Studio to have fun. Again, in 2014, I accompanied some NorthLight School students to the newly opened Sports Hub to teach them Table Tennis!

Q. What are your career aspirations and how does Deloitte support you in achieving it?

I am motivated and inspired to enhance my professional skills so as to achieve advancement in the corporate ladder. Deloitte supports me by giving me opportunities to prove myself by granting me autonomy in organising events as well as offering sponsorships to complete extra certifications that are value-adding to my job.

Q. What are some of your most memorable Deloitte experiences?

I enjoy events that Deloitte organises and being part of the Table Tennis team. I also had the privilege of being the Captain of the Table Tennis team. Leading the team since 2014, I am always excited to go for inter-firm tournaments such as the annual Corporate Community Games (CCG) and Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA) Games. Winning Gold in ISCA Games 2014 and 2015 was one of the more memorable events. Additionally, being a co-captain for Team Blue (comprising Enterprise Risk Services and the firm’s Internal Services groups including HR and Clients & Markets) at Inter-Departmental Games 2014, when we finally emerged the champion after a gruelling and intense IDG season. It was another memorable event I will never forget. I also particularly enjoy attending Deloitte’s annual Dinner & Dance as it allows everyone to let their hair down and have fun!

D.cisions is our quarterly magazine which provides undergraduates with tips, advice and success stories to help them take their first crucial step in making the right choice for themselves, in terms of choosing their employer - one where they will fit in and aligned to their values, interests and priorities.

Click here to download this issue: D.cisions issue 2

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