
Digital with Purpose

Delivering a SMARTer2030

This new report by the Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative and Deloitte identifies and quantifies the ways in which digital technologies, both established and cutting-edge, are capable of delivering transformative impact against each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

The Sustainable Development Goals represent the opportunity for our generation to move the world onto a sustainable path. At Deloitte, we place our role in society at the heart of what we do. Our purpose is to make an impact that matters and we embed this ideal in our work every day. By helping our clients to succeed sustainably; by operating responsibly and through our corporate responsibility programmes; we are dedicated to making a global impact.

Digital technology is interwoven into all that we do. But digital technology in and of itself does not deliver impact. Rather, it’s how we develop and deploy technology that matters.

Through this report, we stand with the Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative to call on the ICT sector, on business, and on governments, to commit to ‘Digital with Purpose.’ This means taking on the 2030 Agenda as our own. It means calling out our intended contribution to the delivery of the SDGs. And, it means identifying how we can use digital technology to maximise our impact.

As detailed in this report, digital technology is already being used in ways that can help drive incredible positive change in our world. But there is still so much more to do. Together with our clients, we at Deloitte are committed to help meet this challenge so that we can all enjoy a sustainable future.

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