
Intelligent Metering Systems 

Exploring the Usage of Intelligent Metering Systems in Europe and Turkey

Turkey is in an era during which strategies with regards to the usage of intelligent metering systems need to be defined. This report makes a detailed analysis of intelligent metering systems, explores the potential of these systems, provides best practices and makes recommendations going forward.

Turkey is currently in an era during which strategies with regards to the usage of intelligent metering systems need to be defined. There is an emerging need for a strategic roadmap identifying the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders while maximizing the returns from investments and preventing unnecessary investments.  

This report makes a detailed analysis of intelligent metering systems and explores the potential of these systems by conducting cost-benefit analysis. It encompasses intelligent metering systems and applications both in Europe and Turkey.  The report also brings various recommendations to increase the usage of intelligent meters in Turkey. 

Intelligent Metering Systems
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