
The connected worker

Clocking in to the digital age

Services businesses’ key asset is their people. With the Business and Professional Services sector employing 13% of the UK working population, it’s crucial to understand how digital and cultural trends are affecting the workforce. Deloitte surveyed over 2,000 UK workers across blue and white collar organizations to understand levels of technology use and attitudes towards technology at work.

Following are the key findings:

  • Blue collar workers are more disconnected than their white collar counterparts, with 51% of blue collar workers describing themselves as ‘very light’ users of technology at work.
  • Only 19% of skilled manual workers would give up job security for flexibility, versus 56% of senior white collar workers.
  • Up to 63% of white collar workers are looking forward to working more flexibly.
  • Alleviating margin pressure, boosting productivity and staying ahead of competitors are what’s driving blue collar services businesses to adopt a more connected workforce.
  • On the other hand, the drivers for transformation shared by knowledge-based businesses are talent retention, real estate costs and pressure from competitors.
The connected worker
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