

Exit Strategy Development

Our M&A team is experienced in advising investors on the most appropriate course of action in a situation where the return should be capitalized or performance of an investment is deteriorating.

We are able to advise on the most appropriate strategy for a successful resolution of the situation to ensure the return is maximized or any loss is minimized. Our experienced team provides various services tailored to your needs:

  • Advise on the most appropriate approach and structure to disposal
  • Identify and assess potential purchasers and make approaches to assess their preliminary interest
  • Assess potential price expectations
  • Advise in the method of execution of sale of the business

Vendor Due Diligence

Given current uncertainty around funding a transaction, investors now require a greater degree of information prior to committing their own resource. A vendor due diligence report is ideal when there is a competitive tension and a number of potential buyers.

The challenge for senior management is to ensure that the vendor due diligence reports provide a consistent sales message, whilst maintaining a robust and independent view in order to instill confidence in the potential buyers.

Working closely with our client, our team identifies and resolves issues in the divestment process, which enables you to retain control of the process and reduces disruption to the existing business. Our vendor due diligence offering can cover a number of areas which can be tailored to your needs, and the specific needs of the bidders, including: Financial (historical and future); Tax; Operational; Commercial and Strategic; Pensions & HR; and IT.

Vendor Assistance

Vendor Assistance is the provision of services to help the vendor achieve a trouble-free disposal process. We help you to ensure that the financial data given to investors will meet their expectations and that any issues are identified early and can be appropriately managed, so that last-minute surprises are avoided. In this way, a quicker and smoother sale process can be achieved, and possibly a higher price can be obtained.

Working closely with the company we identify and resolve issues in the divestment process and offer a suite of Vendor Assist services specifically tailored to the level you need.

Our services include:

• Assistance in compiling IFRS financial statements, or in implementing the main adjustments needed to convert Turkish statutory financial statements to IFRS;

• Review, or assistance with the preparation of, carve-out financial statements in cases where only part of the business is being sold;

• Assistance in identifying normalization adjustments to EBITDA or net profit (such as one-off or non-recurring items), so that you can avoid surprises later when negotiating with an investor;

• Advice on the typical contents for the financial parts of a data room;

• Review of draft data room documents to check for any inconsistencies or other issues which should be resolved before the data room is opened to investors;

• Assistance with calculations of net debt, net working capital etc.

Exit / Sale Advisory

Divestiture is the process of primary importance to realize the return from an investment. In this process, our experienced M&A team provides strategic value added services:

• Preparation of marketing documents

• Business plan assessment and commercial diagnosis

• Valuation

• Identifying potential investors and contacts

• Transaction execution and negotiation support

IPO Support

IPO’s are most common ways for exit from an investment and great benefit can be achieved from an experienced advisor to facilitate process.  Our team helps you in the process through:

• Pre-IPO planning

• Review and due diligence of company’s financials and business plan

• Preparation of marketing circulars

• Audit and preparation of financial statements

• Transaction structuring and planning