Delivering the digital city


Delivering the digital city

Building a best-in-class customer experience in smart cities

​Consumers today enjoy the convenience of digital service delivery that many private sector companies now put at their fingertips. So, most people want—and expect—the same level of service from government that they receive from online retailers. Failing to meet that expectation can increase the perception of poor government service. But while many city governments are becoming more digital, there often remains a gap between what citizens want and what they currently get.

Ten key strategies to jump start the digital city

​In a survey of more than 3,000 US citizens in 2016, 85 percent of respondents said they expect the same or higher quality from government digital services as they do from commercial organizations, and more than 40 percent were dissatisfied with government's digital services.1 As with any provider of goods and services, governments struggle to provide great service without an integrated, digital workflow. It isn't that government is unaware of the imperative to go digital. In a Deloitte survey of 1,200 government officials from more than 70 countries, 82 percent said that improving the customer experience and increasing transparency are prime objectives of their organizations' digital strategy.2

A constituent-centric digital transformation can help create cities that are not just labeled "smart," but that are also responsive to their citizen's needs. These digitally advanced cities can, in fact, go one step further than just responding to customer needs; they can anticipate their unspoken needs. Here are 10 key strategies that cities can consider adopting to jump start their journey and create more digital and responsive cities.

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