Driving the Future of Digital


Deloitte Digital

Bring your business to its next level of digital maturity

Digital technology has changed the face of business as we know it. Deloitte Digital is here to help you use it to your advantage. Our services help you advance customer- and design-centric thinking throughout your organization, from strategy through execution.

Deloitte Digital combines Deloitte’s globally recognized strength in business transformation and technology implementation with the capabilities of a world-class digital agency. We can support your organization across the digital lifecycle — from working to define a bold digital strategy to designing and building your online and mobile presence — using agile methods that move quickly from digital concept to digital reality. Use our innovative mobile, web, and social solutions to increase the impact of digital for your customers, employees, and partners.

Digital Strategy – The omni-channel experience

From formalizing your strategy for digital touchpoints to crafting the omnichannel experience for your clients, we help you shape your digital future today.

With all the expertise of Deloitte, we help you develop a comprehensive strategic vision, putting at your disposal our knowledge of strategic issues important to your industry. Together, we broadcast a digital and agile culture in your organization through training, bespoke events and communication actions. We advise you in your acquisition strategies to enrich your digital skills. As we are at the forefront of new trends, we can feed your studies, reflections, meetings and exchanges.


Digital Marketing - “Standing still is going backward.”

Deloitte Digital can help your company evolve toward an innovative and resilient organization.

“Standing still is going backward.” Never has this been more true than in today’s world where your customer expectations and market landscapes shift faster than ever. Going agile is the new challenge for every company willing to innovate and bring digital solutions in a short time-to-market.

From implementing platforms to campaign management, we help you define and implement your digital marketing strategies to improve performance. We support you in the development of digital devicesthat enhance the customer experience and provide a simple and consistent omnichannel course.


Digital Operation – The digital presence

Deloitte Digital will help you build a powerful digital presence.

Designing a good user experience is one thing; improving continuously and successfully engage your customers over time is equally important. We redraw the path and help you create value. We help you to better understand your customer, develop and orchestrate tools that will increase their commitment.


Analytics - Data is the new gold

What we do is transform journeys and drive business value with solutions that will help you understand and engage with your customers in the way THEY want to be engaged.

In the 21st century, data is the new gold—provided that you find them, exploit them and enhance them to create more value and new business opportunities. Whether it concerns your client or business systems, connected devices or applications, we help you with the capture processoperation and exploitation of the data. First, the web analytics can enrich the knowledge of the customer, including the study of its uses and behaviors online. It is then possible to analyze these data in combination with internal data to provide a more personalized and better suited solution and customer experience. All this in real time.


Cyber Security – The digital threat

The traditional, parameterized architecture was perfectly adequate for an organization that simply wanted to operate inside its own controlled environment, with email to the outside world. Today, this type of organization has almost ceased to exist because of the digital transformation. When developing their digital strategy and online collaboration with business partners, customers, suppliers, and outworkers, organizations have to carefully consider new threats and risks posed by the digital transformation and its related technologies, such as cloud computing and IT consumerization. We believe trust and safety are crucial for your clients and your organization to function. We help you to be better protected and resilient against digital risks.

The rapid pace of change in technology has provided huge opportunities for organizations to develop new models, services and products. The digital revolution has changed the way we do business, and furthermore created a sophisticated and complex set of security issues. 
Deloitte Digital can help organizations address the underlying challenges raised by the digital transformation journey:

  • Mobile application security
  • Digital signature
  • Customer authentication
  • Compliance with data privacy and cyber regulations (e.g. NIS Directive, GDPR, etc.)

Hakan Göl, Partner

Hakan Göl, Partner

Consulting Services Leader

Göl has a BSc in Industrial Engineering from  Istanbul Technical University and MSc in Industrial Engineering from Sabancı University and MBA from Sabancı University. He completed Sabancı University I... More