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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is not new to anybody in the business world. But what is new is the way in which companies are using CRM strategies to change their businesses in some fundamental ways - and the speed with which they’re doing it.

Many companies are taking advantage of rapidly changing trends in the marketplace by modifying their business models to reach new customers. These companies are relying heavily on CRM strategies and technologies as they address these new opportunities and bring their value proposition to the front lines of the business.

At Deloitte, we’ve applied our deep industry-level experience to create a wide range of preconfigured SAP CRM-based solutions for companies looking for a nimble, responsive approach to CRM. Using our approach, clients can choose an entire suite of solutions or only implement the processes they need to get up and running fast. Plus we offer the ability to test-drive these industry-tailored CRM solutions before you decide to purchase them. Once it’s time to implement, we know the technical aspects to get your CRM solution up and running quickly.

Just as importantly, we are able to tailor the CRM user experience to match our clients’ needs. We believe this is a crucial part of any new CRM implementation, directly affecting user productivity. We have helped clients realize productivity gains of 300% or more with our own custom user-interface technology used in tandem with SAP CRM solutions.

Bottom-line Benefits

  • Improve knowledge of customers to create stronger relationships
  • Make agile and informed decisions based on a 360-degree understanding of customers
  • Enhance the ability to deliver products and services at lower price points
  • Improve forecasting capabilities to determine what customers will buy
  • Focus investments on high-potential customers
  • Deliver better service to generate higher margins and stronger loyalty
  • Improve operations to collect cash faster and enhance tax position, front office productivity, order accuracy and inventory management
  • Increase user adoption and employee efficiency rates and decrease training