LS&HC Predictions 2020


Healthcare and Life Sciences Predictions 2020

A bold future?

The ten predictions for 2020

  1. Health consumers in 2020
    Informed and demanding patients are now partners in their own healthcare
  2. Health care delivery systems in 2020
    The era of digitized medicine—new business models drive new ideas
  3. Wearables and mHealth applications in 2020
    Measuring quality of life not just clinical indicators
  4. Big Data in 2020
    Health data is pervasive—requiring new tools and provider models
  5. Regulation in 2020
    Regulations reflect the convergence of technology and science
  6. Research and Development in 2020
    The networked laboratory—partnerships and big data amidst new scrutiny
  7. The pharmaceutical commercial model in 2020
    Local is important but with a shift from volume to value
  8. The pharmaceutical enterprise configuration - the back office in 2020
    Single, global, and responsible for insight enablement
  9. New business models in emerging markets in 2020
    Still emerging, but full of creativity for the world
  10. Impact of behaviors on corporate reputation in 2020
    A new dawn of trust
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