Deloitte named a leader in benefits consulting by Kennedy
Press release
New York, NY, 11 June 2014 – Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL) is pleased to announce that Deloitte has been named a leader in Benefits Consulting in Kennedy’s recently released report entitled Benefits Consulting 2014. The report lays out the opportunities and challenges for buyers and sellers of benefits services, focusing on market trends, client spending trends and forecasts, and the provider landscape.
Kennedy’s report also discusses the growing importance of benefits consulting saying, “Employers today are faced with increasing demands on both the quality and cost of their employee benefits plans. Now more than ever before, there is a need for the effective design, implementation, and management of benefits programs that will satisfy key business objectives.”
Specifically the report notes: “With an insightful and comprehensive point of view about the role of benefits in an evolving talent marketplace, Deloitte combines a strategic perspective with deep technical, industry, and functional expertise.”
Brett Walsh, DTTL global leader for Human Capital, comments: “attraction and retention are increasingly critical for organizations as the economy improves and organizations acknowledge the new realities of the 21-century workforce. Benefits are a key element of a competitive talent strategy.”
Press contact
Marielle Legair
Global Communications
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
Tel: +1 516 918 7170
Mobile: +1 347 213 0933
Additional findings:
- “With an insightful and comprehensive point of view about the role of benefits in an evolving talent marketplace, Deloitte combines a strategic perspective with deep technical, industry, and functional expertise. Deloitte complements this approach with primary market research on mega-trends and HR best practices to create innovative models and holistic frameworks that help clients think beyond point solutions for longer-term strategies that address the challenges of benefits provision.”
- “Deloitte’s culture of innovation extends to benefits consulting. Deloitte’s ongoing research into the evolving talent marketplace sheds new light on the role of benefits as more than a rewards mechanism, but as an integral component of its model for the Open Talent Economy.”
- “Deloitte takes a top-down approach to benefits consulting that focuses on the business and human capital impact of benefits provision. Its go-to-market strategy targets C-suite stakeholders, emphasizing themes around cost optimization, risk, and employee value. Although services can be delivered as point solutions, real value is unlocked when they are integrated and underpinned by an overarching human capital strategy that aligns with business strategy.”
- “Deloitte’s ‘issues to impact’ consulting philosophy combines a C-suite sensibility with an understanding of the global trends impacting benefits strategies to provide clients with an outside-in view for modeling benefits strategy scenarios”
- “Deloitte offers a comprehensive set of services in benefit plan strategy and design; benefit program cost and risk management; global actuarial services; governance, risk and compliance; global mobility transformation; benefits communications and education; and benefits service delivery. These core competencies are enhanced by deep industry, sector, and functional expertise.”
- “Deloitte is building a competitive pensions consulting practice in the UK to meet increased demand for advice on pension scheme funding, benefits strategies, and day-to-day pensions operations. The organic growth strategy includes building capacity with competitive hires and developing innovative solutions such as the Pension Funding Partnership, which allows firms to use their assets to finance their pension deficit obligations.”
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