

Green Frog Award

Deloitte Central Europe Sustainability Report Award 2017

About the Green Frog Award

Deloitte Central European Sustainability Report Award – the Green Frog Award - is an award for best sustainability reports. The contest aims to identify and reward excellence in corporate non-financial reporting in Central Europe.

The Green Frog Award (GFA) was launched in 2000 in Hungary and step by step embraced by other CE countries (Balkans joined in 2009, Czech Republic in 2012, and Baltics in 2013). In 2017 the contest was expanded to the CIS region, covering Russia and other countries of Commonwealth of Independent States. From 2015, the GFA consists of a national and regional level. Reports rewarded at the national level will be automatically nominated to the Central European level.

The Green Frog Award consists of two levels:

  • National level GFA – Companies can showcase sustainability practices at the national level by submitting their non-financial reports, which are evaluated and rewarded by a national jury.

    Companies with best reports will compete for 1 main national Green Frog Award and a few others in separate categories. Winners will receive a national Green Frog label for excellence in non-financial reporting. 
  • Regional level GFA – Companies awarded at the national level are automatically nominated to the CE level. They are evaluated and rewarded by a regional jury. Companies with best reports will compete for 1 main regional Green Frog Award and a few others in separate categories. Winners will receive a CE Green Frog label for excellence in non-financial reporting.


  • National level:
    • Launch of national GFAs: depending on the participating country
    • Selection of finalists: 2nd half of October 2017
    • National GFA ceremonies: October/November 2017
  • Regional level:
    • Evaluation and selection of finalists by the regional jury: by the end of December 2017
    • Announcement of regional awards: beginning of January 2018


Reports will be assessed according to these criteria:

  1. Sustainability performance & strategic commitments
  2. Materiality
  3. Content
  4. Structure and creativity in communication (getting the message across)
  5. Impact measurement
  6. Financial and non-financial data integration

Please find more information on the GFA criteria in the downloadable guide.

How to participate

Who can apply?

Large companies, holdings, capital groups, SMEs, foundations, universities.

The jury may decide to take off from the evaluation list reports submitted by companies towards which public allegations on violating business conducts have been proven.

Which reports can be submitted?

Last available social reports, CSR reports, sustainability reports, integrated reports covering 2016 or more years (e.g. 2015-2016).

The report should cover at least one of the CE territories and be dedicated to local market(s) use. The jury will not evaluate global reports translated in the local language or selection of good practices submitted for the local GFA review.

Reports that focus only on 1 sustainability-related issue will not be accepted, i.e. environmental reports, foundation’s reports, etc.

Language of the reports:

  • National level – companies can submit the reports in their local language or in English
  • Regional level – reports will be evaluated by an international jury, therefore preselected companies at the national level will be asked for an English version of their report if they have originally submitted the document in another linguistic version

Which guidelines should the reports follow?

GRI G4, GRI Standard, IIRC, UN Global Compact, ISO 26000, EU Directive 2014/95/EU on disclosure of non-financial and diversity information by certain large undertakings and groups.


Complete the application form and send it together with your report to:

Croatia – Ana Vucer -

Czech Republic – Lucie Sadovska -

Hungary – Illés Simon -

Poland – Monika Czokajło -

Romania – Sorin-Dumitru Elisei

CIS - Inga Trofimova -

Jury members

The members of the jury on the regional level in 2017 are:

Eric Dugelay – Global Leader for Sustainability Services at Deloitte and member of the Board of Directors of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

Wajiha Haris – President of Scheherazade Foundation

Jacqueline Kacprzak – Counsellor to the Polish Minister of Economic Development

Irén Márta – Managing Director of Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary (BCSDH)

Winner of Green Frog Award 2015

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