Events in Corporate Governance
OECD Russia Corporate Governance Roundtable Session
Moscow, 22-23 October 2013
OECD Russia Corporate Governance Roundtable Session took place in Moscow on 22-23 October 2013. The implementation strategy for the revised Corporate Governance Code was the session’s central theme. Although not yet formally adopted, the revised draft of the Code has been released and can be accessed here (in Russian). The Bank of Russia is the new owner of the Code; it is expected to release and sign off on a final version.
Some of the governance principles presented in the draft version, however, have been reflected in the new listing rules issued by the Federal Financial Markets Service on 30 July 2013. The Service has subsequently become part of the Bank of Russia.
Seminar on executive compensation
Moscow Exchange, 11 April 2013
Read the presentations to find out more.
A seminar on executive compensation practices took place on 11 April 2013 on the premises of the Moscow Exchange. The seminar, jointly organized by Deloitte and the Moscow Exchange, provided an overview of evolving international best practices, as well the practical aspects of executive pay at Russian companies. Seminar handouts are available here: The Agenda and five presentations: 1. Mitul Shah (Deloitte UK); 2. Tatyana Ryabova (Tele2); 3. Elena Pastukhova (Moscow Exchange); 4. Geoffrey Townsend (Raspadskaya); and 5. Alexander Shevchuk (Investor Protection Association).
OECD Russia Corporate Governance Roundtable Session
Moscow, 25-26 October
See the Roundtable website for more information.
The OECD Russia Corporate Governance Roundtable Session took place in Moscow on 25-26 October 2012. Several issues in Russian corporate governance were raised, including board formation, takeovers, tender offers, squeeze-outs, and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in the securities market. The Deloitte Center for Corporate Governance in the CIS played an active role in the Rountable. You can find more information about the event at the Roundtable website.
The III International Conference on Corporate Governance
Moscow, 31 May and 1 June 2012
See the National Council for Corporate Governance website for the conference program and other documents.
The III International Conference on Corporate Governance, with the theme of "Global Capital Markets and Corporate Governance: Quest for Global Standards" took place in Moscow on 31 May and 1 June 2012. Deloitte CIS is proud to have served as a General Sponsor of the Conference. The conference attracted Russian and foreign officials, representatives of the largest companies and leading experts in corporate governance. The conference program and other documents can be accessed on the website of the National Council for Corporate Governance.
OECD Russia Corporate Governance Roundtable Seminar
Moscow, 30 March 2012
Learn more on the OECD website.
The OECD Russia Corporate Governance Roundtable held a seminar on 30 March 2012 in Moscow. Three questions were discussed: 1. The role of the stock exchange in setting corporate governance standards; 2. Disclosure and transparency of listed companies; and 3. Enforcement of insider trading and market manipulation laws. Learn more on OECD website.
Comment on Center for Corporate Governance opening
David Owen, CEO, Deloitte CIS
"As a leading provider of professional services we have a keen interest in seeing the financial markets of the CIS grow in integrity, scale and depth. The impact of our services is linked to the overall strength of financial markets – and this strength can only be based on strong institutions and investors' trust. Corporate Governance standards represent an important part of these fundamentals.
The Deloitte Corporate Governance Center in Moscow serves as a forum to exchange ideas, experiences, and research in Corporate Governance. We hope that this initiative will bring together board members, executives, investors and regulators and promote general understanding and acceptance of strong governance practices."