CIS IDO Summit 2019 | Deloitte in Ukraine


CIS IDO Summit 2019

Making impact that matters

On 30-31 July 2019, Deloitte House in Kyiv hosted the first CIS IDO Summit bringing together over 30 Deloitte executives from key CIS markets, Global Key IDO Account Leaders, and representatives of international donor organizations.

Engagement with the donor/IFI community both globally and in Ukraine is part of the Deloitte's development strategy. This collaboration helps Deloitte to make contribution to the transformation of the country's economy and provides a key tool for making a meaningful impact to our society, that so many of our talented practitioners are hungry for.

“IDO practice is one of the most powerful tools helping Deloitte to make impact that matters. Many projects funded by international donor organizations have a significant impact on the state, society, and business,” said Ian Colebourne, CEO of Deloitte CIS during the event.

Kishore Rao, Global Head of IDO Industry Group emphasized that Deloitte's collaboration with the donor/IFI community is making a significant contribution to the development of many countries, helping governments, industry, and the private sector to work more effectively, achieve complex and large-scale goals as well as address social issues.

During the Summit, the participants discussed global perspectives of developing impactful projects in the region, as well as aligning on strategy and resources between our Global $500 billion IDO/IFI advisory practice and the CIS.

“Over the last few years, we have invested heavily in the development of IDO practice in Ukraine and I am proud of what we have achieved. We achieved many victories and learned useful lessons from our own experience. Now we can use our expertise at the regional level,” said Andriy Bulakh, Managing Partner at Deloitte Ukraine.

Based on results of the meetings on alignment of IDO practice strategy and development of cooperation between the company's offices, the format of IDO regional hub for CIS countries was agreed. The CIS hub will be based in Ukraine.

The Summit was also attended by Matteo Patrone, Managing Director, EBRD Regional Representative Office in Eastern Europe and Caucasus, and Jason Brett Pellmar, Regional Manager, IFC Regional Representative Office in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine who shared key priorities, strategy and perspectives of work in Ukraine, including CIS region.

”CIS IDO Summit has become an important milestone for IDO team in Ukraine and a constructive platform for discussion. We developed a plan of action that will facilitate the implementation of economic and social development projects with the support of international financial institutions in different countries,” said Greg Fishman, Head of IDO Practice in Ukraine.

CIS IDO Summit 2019 | Deloitte in Ukraine
CIS IDO Summit 2019 | Deloitte in Ukraine
CIS IDO Summit 2019 | Deloitte in Ukraine
CIS IDO Summit 2019 | Deloitte in Ukraine
CIS IDO Summit 2019 | Deloitte in Ukraine
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