
The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine drafted and made public its orders intended to approve a simplified VAT Return form, procedure, and application for non-resident VAT payer registration

Tax & Legal Alert

Two draft orders of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine were published on the official web-portal of the State Tax Service, namely:

  • Draft Order “On amendments to the Regulation on registration of VAT payers,” and
  • Draft Order “On approval of the form and procedure for filling in and filing of a simplified VAT Return.”

Draft Order “On amendments to the Regulation on registration of VAT payers” sets out the peculiarities of non-resident VAT payer registration, in particular, registration/re-registration/deregistration procedures and respective application forms.

All forms are bilingual and available for review on the official web portal of the State Tax Service of Ukraine.

All applications should be filed electronically via special Taxpayer’s Portal. However, an online taxpayer’s portal for non-residents is not yet available.

Draft Order “On approval of the form and procedure for filling in and filing a simplified VAT Return” introduces:

  • a simplified VAT Return form (bilingual);
  • a VAT adjusting calculation form for correction of self-identified errors (bilingual);
  • the procedure for filling in and filing a simplified VAT reporting (currently available only in Ukrainian).

Draft of a simplified VAT Return form contains:

  • general information about the non-resident (name, individual tax number)
  • foreign currency (EUR or USD) chosen at registration for tax payment
  • calculation of tax liabilities for the reporting period in the form of (1) total contract value of electronic services (excluding VAT) and (2) the amount of VAT payable to the budget.

If approved, both orders will take effect on 01 January 2022, but not earlier than the day of their official publication.

Should you have any questions regarding this Tax Alert, please contact the experts of the Tax and Legal department.

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